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Nyenna Enyo

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Posts posted by Nyenna Enyo

  1. Sl allowed me to re-find myself. After living with my abusive husband... i was very depressed and I lost myself. My light was snuffed out. That's when I joined SL. Being in a new world with him there... without the terrible pressure that was my life... I started to laugh again and let the joy come out of me. I ade great friends who supported me and I found the strengh to leave that horrible situation. Today I am living wiht an amazing man and we are happliy engaged. If it wasn't for SL I would probably have killed myself by now... or my ex. 


    Nyenna Enyo

  2. I have items from an old magic box listed in my Manage listing section in marketplace. i don't use the magic boxes anymore, and the menu does not allow to to remove or delete the items. They are unlisted. How do I delete them from my marketplace listing?


    Thank you for your answer. But that is not helpful. No, I cannot do that. i have read the wiki a million times. My scroll down menu does NOT give me delete as an option. Hence my asking for assistence.

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