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Smulet Back

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Posts posted by Smulet Back

  1. Sorry for using this type of problem, but I couldn't find one that fit my actual problem.

    The problem is that , since I came back to Second Life my COMPUTER is freezing then crashing after I log into Second Life. I have tried a variety of third party viewers and also the one from Linden Labs. I log in and everything is completely normal, everything runs fine, FPS look good, graphics too. But after few minutes, around 7 minutes, it feezes afterwards my computer 'blue screens' and crashes After that I need to reboot it.

    It's the first time it happens to me in the entire time I have had my computer. It is capable of running Second Life with no problems, but I don't know what is happening. I have tried clearing cashe, and various other methods. Can you please help me? Thanks in advance.


    RAM: 6GB
    Hardisk: 500GB
    Graphic Card: AMD Radeon HD 6550D
    OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (build 7600), 64-bit
    Cable Internet Connection

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