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Splash Kidd

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Posts posted by Splash Kidd

  1. Hey Richard, I have the same set up as you  more or less (Traktor S4, PC, Windows XP) with the exception of the sound card you computer has. I'm currently having the same issues as you are with no sound when I start up the broadcaster on Traktor Pro 2. Have you been able to solve your probem yet? If so can you please either contact me directly or post your solution on this feed? Thank! :-)

  2. Ultimately Linden Labs "Lab" has the most effective tools to deal with the current round of harassment issues that has been taking place at various clubs on the grid. The IP addresses of those people who use their various avatar accounts to grief is logged and recorded by the Lab, however someone could use a masking approach if they are clever enough, so that the IP account of record is not related to the person behind the griefing. I would venture to say that the Lab, given the complexity of Second Life and varous security needs and concerns it has to deal with on a daily bases, does have a number of security tools and methods in place that they could, if need be, use to ultimately figure out who or whom is controlling the Jason & Stephen avatar griefer bots.

    The first line of defense for well mannered residents to deal with griefer avatars is to just totally ignore stupid or rude IM's they might get. The second line of defense is to use your handy dandy "mute" button when trouble continous and just ignoring doesn't solve the problem. And finally everyone should make sure to file an Abuse Report "AP" to the Lab about the abuse that took place that is not in compliance with the TOS. If the Lab gets enough legitimate AP filed about the "Jason? Stephen" issues taking place on the grid they will utlimately have to deal with the problem in a more forth right manner. It's in the Labs and the community of second lifes interest, to have the grid to be an enjoyable place to hang out on thats not subject to endless forms of griefing.

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