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Absinthe Kamachi

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Everything posted by Absinthe Kamachi

  1. I have exhausted all of my ideas to fix this crashing issue, so I've tried to submit a support ticket. I only have a basic account- am not against upgrading it to get the help I need, but its a bit of a waste if it doesn't work, you know? Also not against phoning for help (I believe there is a toll free UK number?) I just need some advice before I go ahead! thankyou xx
  2. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Crashing-everytime-I-log-in-after-2-mins-help/qaq-p/1345735 (my original post) I have found that other people have had issues with this 100% CPU usage thing? does anyone know anything about it? thanks, Abi xx
  3. So… I have been inactive in SL for about 2 months after moving house. We finally got our broadband set up and I updated to viewer 3 on my system, I log in 100% fine then after about two minutes I crash. I have excellent signal strength from my wireless modem. I have tried clearing my cache, reinstalling SL and rebooting both the computer and the modem. I have also gone into Norton’s and changed the firewall settings to allow SL through. The problem is happening with both my SL accounts, on Viewer2, Phoenix and Firestorm- wherever I log in. Please help, this is driving me crazy and I miss my friends! Thanks, Abi xxx also, thankyou for your answer, Valerie- I tried connecting it via cable but it made no difference :s ! its pretty puzzling. now I've tried another re-install, upped my kbps and logged in under the water at Smith- giving my inventory time to load- but it seems that the problem is getting worse and I'm logging out even faster! I've even tried reverting the system to an earlier point in time. I really don't know what is left to try! ps, I'm running windows vista, and have an NVIDIA graphics card. I've used viewer 2 on my system fine a few months ago- my problems are with viewer 3. I am using a wireless router (broadband from Orange) but I've tried connecting with a cable and it makes no difference. tried disabling the firewall- that made no difference either (!) my performance alerts have started telling me SL has 'high CPU usage'. I'm not entirely sure what that means but it could be important. aide moi!
  4. So… I have been inactive in SL for about 2 months after moving house. We finally got our broadband set up and I updated viewer 2 on my system, I log in 100% fine then after about two minutes I crash. I have excellent signal strength from my wireless modem. I have tried clearing my cache, reinstalling SL and rebooting both the computer and the modem. I have also gone into Norton’s and changed the firewall settings to allow SL through. The problem is happening with both my SL accounts, on Viewer2, Phoenix and Firestorm- wherever I log in. Please help, this is driving me crazy and I miss my friends! Thanks, Abi xxx also, thankyou for your answer, Valerie- I tried connecting it via cable but it made no difference :s ! its pretty puzzling. now I've tried another re-install, upped my kbps and logged in under the water at Smith- giving my inventory time to load- but it seems that the problem is getting worse and I'm logging out even faster! I really don't know what is left to try! aide moi!
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