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Natalie Auggers

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Posts posted by Natalie Auggers

  1. I don't think I suggested that in any way, nor would I even think it. I wanted to know where, if there is such a place, that LL's had listed things more clearly. I couldn't find any place where they have stated things clearly. I can assume things on my own, such as they have to be basing the amount of $ off of payouts, not sales etc. But, they don't actually state that super clearly. If there is a LL's statement that spells things out, I wanted to be able to read it myself.

  2. Not that I don't believe you, lol (and I do!), I was just wondering where you got the information regarding the 1099-K vs the 1099 Misc forms, listed anywhere on LL's sites. I think LL's has not done a very good job of clarifying things regarding this, personally. I just wated to be able to read etc.

  3. I'm also wondering about server issues since I can actually log in but 48,000 items are missing from my inventory and none of the suggested fixes works and it isn't my connection. So, thousands of dollars down the drain and I can't build anything bc all my building supplies are gone (i.e. textures, sculpts, mesh, etc)

  4. Same thing happened to me in the last 2 days. I can see the folders but only about 2900 of my 50,000 item inventory (I am a creator so it's a ton of textures/building supplies etc from over 6 years) fetched, then it stopped and not a single hint/help has helped with it. I have a wired connection and fast download and upload speeds. So, it isn't that. What the heck do we do? Because I know LL's won't care that thousands of REAL dollars worth of stuff is simply missing from my inventory. Clearing the cache has no effect whatsoever. Nor did the location I was in, nor did typing in a letter, or resetting filers etc. Nothing.

  5. I turn off most as well, but some come from Subscribers that I have been too lazy to go unsubscribe from lol I am going to make a test purchase and see what happens. But, I have never been in SL for 3 hours and not received a notice. It just doesn't happen lol

  6. Ok, at the risk of sounding paranoid, lol, this happened at exactly the same time as last year, the day before Valentine's Day. Which is our biggest selling day. Our sales for the past 3-4 years are steady and non stop up to and past Valentine's Day. Except, last year, suddenly there was an abrupt halt of sales from the day before Valentine's Day till the day after. And it's happening again. We have had non stop sales and suddenly none from last night through today. Additionally, and I don't know if this related, but I normally wake up to a hundred offline messages of missed group notifications, I had zero. I logged into SL and had zero (hasn't happened to me since I joined SL over 6 years ago). I also have a few groups that automatically send a notice when you log in, and have not recieved a single one of those.

    Has anyone else noticed anything wonky today with sales and/or notices?


  7. I am a little confused and concerned by the total drop in sales this past week of 2 business Im involved with. 

    Neither sell the same products. One has been in existence for years and has had very steady sales throughout. The other is "younger", but has had steady sales as well. Literally the same day I noticed having trouble with the Marketplace acting up, sales for both tanked. I mean, the SAME day. And havent changed at all through the Marketplace upgrade, or whatever that was etc. They just mysteriously stopped in one day for 2 different businesses that sale different products. 

    I find that a bit too coincidental. Has anyone else noticed anything like this in the last week or so? 


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