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Fox Oxbar

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Posts posted by Fox Oxbar

  1. I started getting this problem and found that if I run SL as an Administrator user, it doesn't crash.  Try it out and see if you get the same thing... on a Windows machine, right click on the Second Life Viewer shortcut and click "Run as administrator..."

    I have no idea why it does this for me.

    Other times, I can take a snapshot but clicking the "Save" button never does anything... when this happens, SL is usually using up a LOT of RAM and restarting SL fixes it.

  2. There are always a number of university research events going on and let's face it... it's easier to pay SL participants $L1000 than it is to pay RL college kids the USD $10+ plus pizza that makes it worth their while to trek across campus for funky research events.


    In world you can find the "Real Life Education in Second Life" (http://world.secondlife.com/group/5eab5893-dfa6-905b-4386-011077994d3d) group.  This is a LL-sponsored group for all things educational in SL and there are often research activities posted there.  I've found this to be the most active research-related group in SL, though there are others.  See here for information on some other education related Second Life groups and listservs: http://www.simteach.com/wiki/index.php?title=Second_Life_Education_Wiki


    One thing to look out for with research is "IRB" approval.  If a researcher has IRB approval, it means that their project has been carefully reviewed by a board of experienced ethics-focused reviewers and the research is unlikely to harm participants.  We can't expose you to physically dangerous things in Second Life, so the concern is not great, but there are definitely psychological issues to worry about with SL research, and the IRB considers those as well.  So, if you see an IRB-approved research project in SL, you're unlikely to be harmed physically or psychologically by participating :-)


    If you have ever attended a real life university, you should search to see if it has a group in Second Life.  There are many young grad students like myself out there looking to pay you to do silly things in the name of science!!


    I have been running my own group for research at my university, the University of Pennsylvania.  Me and my fellow researchers here have IRB approval.  My current project started with RL participants, and well... they eat a LOT of pizza, so it could get expensive.  SL is much more economical for me... I can give lots of L$ to lots of people, so if you are looking to make a quick buck (or if you want to make more $ over time), check out my group:  "UPenn Research" (http://world.secondlife.com/group/0cdcc288-7d09-4e9a-f97b-e42aab68521d).  I will be running several activities over the next 2 or 3 weeks (including today, in just a few minutes XD).


    One criticism I've seen of SL researchers is that they come and take data without giving anything back.  I can't find my last forum post about this (it was on the old boards...), but I shared the results of my research with the forums the last time I had some results to show.  Also, the sim I use is paid for through my research... the money goes to help keep LL afloat and functioning for everyone.  I buy decorations for my land and props for my activities on the Marketplace.  If you're another researcher reading this, please keep in mind the need to give back to the SL community so that we don't look like dweebs!!


    Thanks for reading!  SL researchers love you all!


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