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Rexus Voom

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Posts posted by Rexus Voom

  1. I recently bough 1/2 of the sim taht was empty and make it a whole sim, this is a rental of a State, but I accidentaly abandon land thinking should be able to buy it back for my group since was owned directly by me and combine both lands into a full sim, unfortunately I checked that if I do that I need to write a Support case, my question is, is this the only solution I got? Real State owner already tried setting the land for me to buy it, which I already tried since I still do have full sim administrating rights, but appears always an error message that link me to this posts


     Screen Shot 06-29-14 at 03.49 PM.PNG

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  2. so been having this problem for a while already and have tried it everything that people have recommend others in similar situation, because there are 3 things going on at once


    1 when managed to log in I sudden get log off, doesn't appear to crash or report it, but seems like log off automatically, even though I am not away nor anything


    2 cannot log back in since the region doesn't want to do the handshake, this happens on last region and most, even those empty sims people recommend


    3 when manage to log in somehow I check my group chat and friend list they are all blank!, no text of any sort or I cannot click on them either

    4 if I try to teleport anywhere out of that region SL log me off again and 1 - 4 happens all over again!


    please someone help me on this, is so frustrating!


    UPDATE June 22 - Again it keeps doing it, have tried several of the links and tips said on the answers I got, stlll acting up, my computer system specifications are


    is a Hewlett Packard HP, Processor - Intel(R) CPU G640 2.80GHz

    RAM 6 GB

    System type is 64 bit,


  3. ok first problem mainly is this, there is no Inventory task bar (I know suppose to be on the right side of the screen) but there is no one, tried to acess though keyboard typing Ctrl + T, but nothing, also there is no search bar, and other issues along with this, here just recently downloaded Viewer 2 directly from SL page, but since this issues are happening atm using an alternative version till someone please help me


    thank you

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