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gothicscandy Darkwatch

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  1. how can i see physics on firestorm
  2. finally found the answer idk if you ever did or not just delete all of your groups ...bc i did that and it worked perfect or just delete the most recent within 30 days
  3. Ive been unable to get on sl with this avatar for almost 2 weeks now...which is rediculous I was able to finally make a alt for this acct but now also has the same exact erro i really need help on this theres major money involved in this for me Ive tryed different viwers and logging in different locations even tryed loggin in through my mobile app serveral times theres no group tag that i have on Unable to connect to simulator Ok so i solved my own issue leave all groups!!! resolved*
  4. Im still getting the same error UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SIMULATOR but the main page for updates says maintence is done??? anything? yeah i have ive even tried different viewers atleast 2 times each and cleared cahe like 20 times along with changed my password and restared my computer my internet connection everything i can think of Ok yes i just tryed the group thing and didnt work went back cleared cashe and tryed again didnt work still has the same error ok tryed the group and name tag both off some one else suggested to take off the group titles but either way no still the same error honestly i have no clue how to get into live chat and it took me a day and a half to even find out how to post issues on here if you have a link itd be greatly appreciated Found the live chat part and asked the same question there ....i hope its a easy fix bc after almost 28 hours now of waiting its crazy Yea the Display name wasnt it either but did change it to all regular letters i really hope anyhing happens soon im willing to try anything so please keep the comments coming so the list of all i have tried are above anyone have more suggestions? Still havin the same issue going on 35 hours Just updating so noone this the issue has been resolved yes going on 40 hours now still awaint a reply from Linden labs and from the "live chat" as well as more in suggestion
  5. This isnt really a answer but i cant log in to save my avi life and its been like 24 hours since i kept getting the same thing you guys have fixed my acct bc my linden was not going to where i sent it and i couldnt even send things so thank youf or the refund but i cannot log in at all ...CANNOT CONNECT TO SIMULATOR
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