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Gem Huldschinsky

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Posts posted by Gem Huldschinsky

  1. Our club is new but our owner has been managing clubs for the last 8 years and is responsible for taking each one to the top three clubs. We wanted a club that offered country music for everyone. You don't have to be a redneck or live in the south but you enjoy the simplistic style of country and how it speaks to our hearts. Our club is stylish yet simple and comfortable and we have hired some of the greatest country DJs in SL to entertain you. Each weekend we hold themed parties throughout the day and live artists on Sunday nights. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lionheart%20Ahadi/212/149/29Heart of Dixie.jpg

  2. I manage a pretty busy dance club and seems we have become the target of MCs wars against each other. We have had to deal with several griefers, most likely the same person using alts, and its to the point our VIPS graphic cards are being destroyed, mine included. Several citizens of SL are on fixed incomes and to replace them is not in their budgets. Why should we continue to put up with griefers on SL? Destroying personal property is illegal and the persons behind the avatars should be held responsible. I think its time we get together and do just this!

  3. I have adopted a child avatar and her best friend and she came to me with a concern about the other child's parent trapping them, showing them pictures of a club that abuses children. This person has in their name title.......SL Undercover Admin David25Sweetdad.............and talking to him, he doesn't know anything about policy.

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