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Amza Hydraconis

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Posts posted by Amza Hydraconis

  1. Greetings to all.

    Renaissance Island, created in 2007, has been a venue in the Tudor period of English history.  There are several areas which can be used as a virtual classroom.  There are exhibits of printing, weaving, sheep farming and other agricultural life.  There is also a horse/hiking trail with information on the Tudors.  Another trail is currently under renovations and when ready will have information on the impact the monarchs had on England economically, religiously and life among the commoners.  Other events in Renaissance Island are live music, storytelling, and occasional hunt, and sidewalk sales in Merchant's Row.  The below landmarks will take you to the various areas of the region for exploration at your leisure.  Enjoy your visit.

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/191/190/27

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/10/147/502

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/119/104/27

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/195/53/27

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/226/56/2003

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/81/172/27

    Amza Hydraconis

    Estate Manager

    Renaissance Island


    • Like 3
  2. Saturday, October 24, 2020, at 1 PM SLT.  Quintus Secundus will give a lecture titled "What is Renaissance?"  This is the first of a series of lectures to be given in Renaissance Island in our tiltyard.  Further lectures will be on the history of England.  The below landmark will place you just outside of the tiltyard.  Renaissance Island is a General rated sim, therefore please attend modestly dressed and with 30 or less scripts.  All are welcome to attend. 

    Any questions, please contact Amza Hydraconis

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance Island/52/112/27

  3. Hi.

    I hope this will get the attention of someone from LL.  Sending a support ticket involves knowing everything about your computer doesn't work for me as I don't know everything about my computer/laptop; just enough to get by on and fix minor problems.  Anything more complicated than that and I'm left scratching my head since I have no clue where to locate the information the ticket wants and won't let you skip it.

    This morning, I logged in and was shunted off to another sim.  Unfortunately, it was an adult sim, not where I really wanted to be.  Now I understand when a  region is offline you will get sent somewhere else, but I would prefer not to end up in an adult sim where I would be accosted by some unwelcome invitations.  What would be good would be one of the Help Islands or Orientation Island or just plain dropped in the Blake Seas regions or given a choice as to where to go when a sim is offline.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  4. Hi.

    I wasn't sure where to put this, so I thought this was the best way.  I had just seen the blog post about purchasing last names.  How does one go about it; what is the purchase price; can they be gifted?

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Amza Hydraconis


  5. Hi.

    Does anyone know of a way to find out about the celebration other than the blog?  I was hoping a notice would have been sent through the SLB Community Celebration group, but it seems the group has not been active.  I have not been able to find the website that would have given me the information for exhibitors.  I don't always get on SL's website due to a busy RL. 

    Thank you.

    Amza Hydraconis

  6. Good den.

    Renaissance Island was one of the early pioneers in helping students and educators maximize the benefits of Second Life in the classroom.  It grew into a diverse cultural community interested in English history and culture of the Tudor period. 

    Created by librarians with the sponsorship of the Alliance Library Services, Renaissance Island began in February 2007.  Now sponsored by the South Central Regional Library Council located in Ithaca, New York, Renaissance Island is in its 13th year in Second Life.  The region is supported by its residents and donations.  We have storytelling and music performers.  On occasion, we have jousting, horse racing and other sports that we enjoy today.

    Renaissance Island is open to all educators teaching this aspect of English history, free of charge.  If you wish to have a tour of the region before bringing a class, contact Baroness Anne de Darcy(Amza Hydraconis) via notecard. 

    Thank you


  7. Greetings.

    Renaissance Island is having a Sidewalk Sale February 23, 2020 to March 7, 2020.  For vendors interested in participating, stalls are for rent for five Lindens for the two weeks with a 10 prim limit.  After paying the box, ignore it when it expires as the script only allows for weekly payments.  Set up is February 21 & 22, 2020.  Your items must be Renaissance related and we ask you set at least two items at 33% off the regular price.  Contact Amza Hydraconis via notecard to be temporarily added to the Tenants group so you may be able to rez your items.

    Merchants Row/Renaissance Island (216,121,27)

    Renaissance Island Market Feb 2020 Poster (painting style).png

    • Like 1
  8. Good Morrow.

    Do you have an interest in Tudor, England? Have you always wanted to learn more about this intriguing and pivotal period? If yes, Renaissance Island’s Parish of Reading Primley may be the place for you!
    At Renaissance Island we learn through doing. Whatever education, general interest, or roleplaying experience you have, this is an opportunity to participate in a living museum.
    Mix healing remedies in the apothecary! Stage a play at the Globe Theatre! There are many ideas as to how a Globe Theatre came to be in our Parish! Share a glass of cider at the pub—we’ve been told it’s the best in all the land! Create a book or tell a story! Partake of a jousting tournie! Attend a period music concert--or play a tune yourself! There are many, many ways to participate!

    Residency is not a requirement; i.e. you can roleplay without having to rent (though we are always very appreciative for those who do). You do not even have to be human! Although period clothing is unnecessary for visitors, for those wanting to be part of the Parish, it is required; otherwise, it might call too much attention to ourselves. We’ve done well to not have had any accusations of witchcraft over the years! We’ve also never been visited by the plague. Some say it is because of the cats that roam; others say that it’s the vapors that emanate from our sacred well. We are a very welcoming Parish, as a result.
    Renaissance Island can never be 100% authentic, but we can take certain measures. Ours is a journey to authenticity as we learn more about the period and building/scripting advances. For instance, birds and quadruped animal avatars need to be species that one would find in a Tudor parish or native to England. There was a time a visiting elephant escaped….

    There are several options for characters:  All roleplay positions are volunteer positions.  Below are the roles we have left.


    Librarian (the sim is sponsored by a library organization, after all!)
    Manor servants
    Theatre Director
    Children (Real life adults wearing a child avatar)
    Tavern Keeper
    Sheep Farmers
    From time to time the Parish may need to contribute to a militia, which in turn would need to have practice and exercises. So far, we’ve never been invaded by outside forces.
    Those with scripting and/or building skills most welcome.

    Farm animals (especially sheep)
    Birds native to England
    Deer native to England
    Or, pitch us an idea!
    Contact Amza Hydraconis via notecard or IM for more information, questions and/or a tour.   The name of the notecard should be in the following format:
    Date To Amza Hydraconis frm your user name.  (No display names.) 

  9. Hi.

    I was wondering if there is a height limit on how high an object can be placed above a sim or can it be changed and where can you change it?  I have been on some platforms that were over 7,000m above a sim, but on a sim I manage, I can only place an object at 4096m.  It won't go any higher. 

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Amza Hydraconis


  10. Hello.

    I would like to post an event in the Events Calendar, but I cannot post the landmark/slurl.  I am the estate manager of the sim with full officer powers in the group, which includes Hosting Events ability.  Is there something I have to do in order to be allowed to post the landmark/slurl?  Also, the group is not listed as an allowed group on the sim.  Does this need to be done to be able to post the LM/SLURL? 

    Thank you for your time and consideration

    Amza Hydraconis

    Estate Manager

    Renaissance Island

  11. Greetings.

    Since no one had an idea as to what is causing my prims to not appear in the About Land window of the sim I'm managing, I feel I need to put in a support ticket.  How do I find the Jira so I can register with it and submit a support ticket.

    Thank you very much.

    Amza Hydraconis

  12. Hi

    I am an estate manager of two different sims.  Lately, when I check the sim's rez zones for objects visitors may leave behind, I use the About Land window to check for these items.  I have noticed that while it will show other people's objects, mine do not show up at all on the one sim.  I pulled out a prim counter, and according to it, I don't have a single object on this particular sim, and I have objects all over that sim in all the parcels.  I use the same prim counter on the other sim, and it counts all my objects that are on it.  The Area Search window does show my objects in both sims.  Is there some reason why the one sim won't show my objects in the About Land window while it does in the other sim?  

    Also, another estate manager for the problem sim, went around and checked and discovered that the prim counts were off for things in her shop and for a couple of others.   

    Thank you very much for you time and consideration.

    Amza Hydraconis

  13. Hi.

    Thank you for your answer.

    I would have to disagree on the number of characters, since I see way more than that in some of the ads, especially if I have to scroll down to read the rest of the message and it can be quite long.  You can easily see it goes way past the 256 mentioned.

    And I already understand the auto renew thing, except where to cancel it when needed.  I didn't see if there was a an option to that.  Do you just uncheck it to cancel it or what?

    Thank you.

  14. Hello,

    I had used the classifieds in my profile for an advertisement inworld.  The message though gets cut off.  I had to do some creative editing so it would show what I wanted to say.  How do I get my entire message on there without it cutting off?  When I use the search window inworld, I do see some classifieds that are longer and you need to scroll down to see the rest of the message.  Also, if I used the auto renew, can it be canceled when I no longer need the ad?  I don't see an option to do so when I looked at it.  Some one had said the ad auto renews automatically, but from what I had seen, you have to check off the box next to the option to auto renew.  Otherwise, after a week or so many days, the ad is no longer in the classifieds.

    Thank you for your time.

    Amza Hydraconis

  15. Hello.

    I have im's to email turned off in preferences so my email isn't cluttered up.  But lately, I've been getting group notices to my email.  There's nowhere in preferences for this option.  When I ask around for help inworld, I get told to turn it off in the group, which really defeats the purpose of being in the group, and also told that turning off the im's also turns off the group notices from going to my email, which isn't true, since I am getting them in my email.  Someone suggested going to the SL website, where I can turn it off there, but I don't see that option there either, or maybe I'm missing it.

    So, how do I stop group notices going to my email without having to turn it off at the group level?  If that's the only way, I might as well leave the groups and I would rather not do that since I wouldn't be able to attend any events they announce.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Amza Hydraconis

  16. Hi GmailTest


    I have been using what is called a Money Card for a couple of years now and have had no problems with it buying lindens.  The only fee I've have to pay was a $3 service fee.  It's reloadable and since the money you put into the card is already there, it's no problem.  There is no cap on how much money you can reload the care with.  It does have the option of having no service fee if you reload with a $1,000 or more.  If there is a problem in buying lindens for some technical issue, the money is automatically returned. 

    You do have to go to the the SL website to put in the card info so you can pay for L$'s from the viewer.   

    I don't know what you mean about tax since there is no tax when buying lindens.  If you use the care to purchase things in real life, then yes there would be a sales tax.  Other than that, I have no idea.

    Hope this helps.

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