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Silas Zenfold

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Posts posted by Silas Zenfold

  1. As frustrated as I am to be biting my tongue, I'm going to keep this civil: Linden Lab doesn't seem to care anymore.


    I sent in abuse reports on someone who was threatening, harassing, and copybotting over 6 months ago, but nothing has been done to them yet. They still run around and cause trouble. I've sent in tickets about items lost in inventory glitches, and have been out the 10k+ lindens worth of items for over 6 months. I've tried contacting someone with some clout about resolving an issue where I was overcharged on my card for lindens, but nothing has come of that. I only have one thing to say about all this lack of support or seeming concern:


    Linden Lab has become a tale told by an idiot... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing..

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