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Petty Perl

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  1. I understand now. Thank you. Hope you had a relaxing holiday. ciao. YSB
  2. Hi, I am the owner of BBW Heaven Beach Club, a Mature club that has been dedicated to serving plus-size ladies and their admirers for 13 years now. The club has never closed, though it has relocated several times (growing from its original skybox location to the current full-region of BBWHeaven). We are totally confident that we are the longest running club for this specific niche, but are interested in knowing which clubs might be older than us! Please let me know your thoughts on this - as well as any suggestions you have for us to use in celebrating our 14th year (to be celebrated in October 2019). Thanks! Petty
  3. Thanks for the helpful feedback Chic! I will be sure to follow up with this. Thank you for your expertise and courtesy. ciao. YSB
  4. I had NO intention of advertising, I just thought it appropriate to show what I was talking about. I am posting this then deleting my original post, if it will let me. THIS is not helpful for any of us.
  5. I am absolutely asking a question! I would like to know about other "heritage" venues in SL. I have been marketing my club effectively for 13 years. Now, I just want to meet other SL business owners that have had similar experience. When I posted here, I expected to receive replies from venue owners telling me how long their clubs have been running. Both responses I have received have been less than welcoming. I would think that celebrating long-term success anywhere in the SL economy is a boon to all.
  6. Thank you Rolig ... I appreciate your prompt response. I had reviewed both the article by Jeremy Linden and the application form, but saw no category for "newcomer friendly." So, it seemed possible that it was a different form and that I was missing it! I am assuming from your response that you suggest that submit for the Destination Guide and use the note to editors' space to indicate my wish to be considered for that designation and which of the "newcomer preferred elements" we offer at BBW Heaven Beach Club. ciao. YSB
  7. See above for reason that I deleted my response.
  8. I have deleted this, the feedback indicates that I overstepped. My inquiry was perceived as an advertisement and as can be noted in the responses, not welcome. Since I can not delete the post. I deleted the content.
  9. I have found all the guidelines for the requirements to apply for Newcomer Friendly status - but not the actual form? The application for other designations does not have a category for Newcomer Friendly. Can anyone point me in the right direction and/or provide me suggestions for building my case for my region (BBWHeaven). Thanks. Petty
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