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Airika Waddington

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Everything posted by Airika Waddington

  1. About two months I began renting a plot of mainland. The other day I decided that I was no longer going to rent it so I clicked the "not renew" option on the rental box. When I logged on the next day the owner had IM'd me asking me why. I told him the truth. Later he removed me from the land use group and returned all my stuff. I still had two weeks of rental left. I only have proof of 10 days because for some reason my transaction history on sl.com won't go back far enough to show the first transaction. The owner outright refuses to refund me for my remaining time. He stated that because I never used the land why does it matter? Basically the remaining rent comes to a L$1,000 value that I believe I am owed since he no longer will allow me to use the land. How do I handle this? Clearly I am owed a service that he is denying me because he is mad that I will no longer be a customer. Do I call LL? Please advise me as to what I can do!
  2. About two months I began renting a plot of mainland. The other day I decided that I was no longer going to rent it so I clicked the "not renew" option on the rental box. When I logged on the next day the owner had IM'd me asking me why. I told him the truth. Later he removed me from the land use group and returned all my stuff. I still had two weeks of rental left. I only have proof of 10 days because for some reason my transaction history on sl.com won't go back far enough to show the first transaction. The owner outright refuses to refund me for my remaining time. He stated that because I never used the land why does it matter? Basically the remaining rent comes to a L$1,000 value that I believe I am owed since he no longer will allow me to use the land. How do I handle this? Clearly I am owed a service that he is denying me because he is mad that I will no longer be a customer. Do I call LL? Please advise me as to what I can do!
  3. I just got some mainland in the Bruin sim. I thought that some of the tree's on the land were on the parcel I bought but after buying the land I tried returning all objects and I realized that the tree's are owned by Lindens. The land I bought is right next to a road and I was hoping to make my land accessable to the road but the tree's are blocking. Is there someone I should contact to get help?
  4. This is getting really frusterating. When I first logged on today everything was fine. I was able to change my shape or adjust objects that I was wearing. then all of the sudden Phoenix started crashing everytime I tried. Things tried: Clearing Cache Relogging Restarting the computer @ Ansariel Hiller:I am not sure if this is a phoenix problem or an SL problem.
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