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Azrael Toshi

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Posts posted by Azrael Toshi

  1. well i really dont have a specific type I'm good at. i build whatever comes to mind. If i find a cool script in a freebie, i may build an item to put a copy of it in. if i have an idea for an item, i just start building. Im not a great scripter, though i can usually edit a premade script, but a physical build like the beavers house is no problem.


    here is what im seeing for beavers house





    seem like fairly easy designs

    and im really not finding pics for puddleglums house.




  2. well i dont really feel up to logging into SL and screenshoting both avitars so i'll describe instead.

    EDIT: okay, so I heard something while on forums that gave me a build idea, so i did log on after all, thus, i have pics for you.



    - i saw all the thin "good looking" avitars everyone used, so when i started, i created a big fat guy avitar.


    - this avitar soon evolved into a fat green loincloth-wearing ogre, with a badly made club in hand.


    ogre avi.png


    -  I kept with this for some time, but then i eventually found a really cool looking hat. it was like those plaid hats you see golfers wear, except it was black and worn backwards, exactly like what I wear in real life. Also it had an awesome white bunny face on the front. loved it so much i built my avitar around it. (I've thought about making that on one of my hats in real life, LOL)



    So i lowered the hat down mostly covering my eyes

     - added a ninja hood

     - bunny mouth/nose

     - black longcoat

     - punisher shirt

     - black pants

     - boots (which i retextured to metallic)

     - cross necklace

     - spiked metal armor on left shoulder

     - katana hilt

       (shortened off the blade so i could wear it on my hip without the sword running through my longcoat in the back)

     - black gloves

     - metal cat claws (wolverine/xmen) on one hand

     - red eyes and black/white leopard skin

    - also I have a reb orb on the back of my coat with several security features/flight feather built into it.


    bunyninja 1.pngbunyninja 2.png


  3. oh my god!!! i cant believe i read that!!!!

    I actually do sell rideable  giant bunny mecha in my market shop!!!

    it even hops around when you ride it!!

    i also have a smaller sized one, as well as a car mode one and a bunny mecha pet.

    i dont have it able to shoot easter eggs like you claimed, but id love to add egg missles, bullets, etc to it if i could figure it out. if anyone knows how to do this, i'd gladly take suggestions.

    here is my market shop:



  4. its been awhile since i used them for anything, but i think i have a couple useful scripts in my inventory


    one shrinks me down to a small size. i think it was called chibi or something.

    the other script is an invisibility script. rezzes an item around you that is invisible., in which case you create small limbs, etc to  move alongside your avitar movements.


    i used that concept in my "floating parts bot" avitar, currently selling in my online market shop.

    *nudge nudge

    its sort of a full body puppet idea. ive thought about doing the same thing to make a following copy of myself walk near me.



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