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Dena Farspire

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Posts posted by Dena Farspire

  1. I have extra folders that can't be deleted that are between Inventory & Library. They happened when I was opening packages of things I'd found on a hunt a long while back. I've been round and round trying to get rid of these folders. First thing I tried was just to delete them and even tried moving them into inventory both the folders, and after that, the items individually  Then I cleared caches (all caches) multiple times, completely removed all viewers from my computer, did a disk cleanup, disk defragmentation for good measure, restarted my computer, and redownload SL viewer back onto my computer and still they won't budge. I was finally told to file a ticket but because I'm a basic member, I can't do that. (Honestly wouldn't know where to go to file said ticket or if I'm even in the right place right now.) So am I just to live with this issue? Or does anyone have any other ideas? Please help if you can.

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