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Robert Galland

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Posts posted by Robert Galland

  1. As Chic mentioned, making custom LOD's of your siding walls is very important to control LI.  If you control your UV map well and get a nice, crisp AO map, you can flatten the wall in LOD2 and it can still look very good in SL.  Let the AO "shadows" do the work for you for LOD's 2 and lower.

  2. Thanks. No, everything is set to prim. I'm guessing this is an SL glitch, but don't want to assume so if I can mesh better. Like I said, it seems to have something to do with the build being new to a sim. It works, but seems to take its time doing so.

  3. I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this right now and whether I can improve on something.

    I have a house that is composed of several meshes.  Some pieces were uploaded with cube physics and analyzed, some areas were uploaded as planes and not analyzed.  These pieces were uploaded separately.  Also, this is an expansion of a former model which has sold hundreds of times without issue and two of the areas I describe below are not even new.

    The issues is when a new mesh house of mine is rezzed a first instance, it can take about 20 seconds for the physics shapes to be recognized in three or four parts.  I can walk through the front door, but cannot go through three interior doors.   I can walk through doors to a patio.  There also appears to be a triangle stopping progress in the living room.  After 20 seconds, it seems to set and everything is fine.  When I render physics, the physics shape appears as intended.

    If I remove and rezz again, it seems to take more than a minute or even longer for the physics shapes to be recognized.  Two things will resolve the issue immediately.  If you right click on the house as if to edit, boom, you can immediately walk around as intended.  If you TP out and come back, the same occurs - all is fine.

    I've already redone one area which was an unanalyzed plane to have depth and was uploaded using analyzed cube physics.  No change and the problem still occurs

    I am pulling my hair out.  

  4. Optimizing mesh with regard to SL's Land Impact value is an art.  It's hard to say without seeing precisely what you've modeled why your LI is what is or if it could be better.  There's quite a bit that goes into the whole calculation, inluding different models to be used for the vaious LOD's.

    There are a ton of mesh tutotials out there if you do a Google search which may help you as well as any other input you may receive here.

    It's very rewarding to learn how to model mesh. 

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  5. I'm seeking an artist who can make architectural seamless textures. Candidates should have a portfolio of their work (not necessarily limited to architectural products). Of particular interest are stone, stucco, wood flooring and stone or ceramic tile textures.

    Please IM Robert Galland if interested.
  6. Hi Red:


    There are quite a few products out there.  I use one still that I am not sure is available after 7.5 years - Jack in the Box.  Rezz Foo and Rezz Faux are names you may see.  If Builder's Buddy is still available, it was free when I last looked into this.  I believe Casper products has a rezz box product as well. I use there vendors, but not the rezz boxes.

    It's been awhile since I researched the products out there.

  7. Right. The DMCA process is for informing a third party they are unknowingly hosting or showing violations of copyright to give them a chance to stop being an accomplice. The DMCA process through the Lab is not the adjudication of your copyright claim and the Lab isn't the judge of these things. It's not their job to police my copyright or anyone else's.


    As DMCA'S can be abused, the proper means of litigating alleged copyright is like anything else, through findings of fact and conclusions of law reached in the court system.

  8. Is the house and the rezz box it came in copiable?  It's pretty standard for the industry in SL to sell houses with such permissions for the very reason you are facing - to allow people to easily replace a house.


    You should be able to rezz the house multple times with homes bought from most vendors.  Test your rezz box in a sandbox and see that the entire house is there.  I often advice customers that sometimes it's just easiest to rezz a new copy instead of trying to piece a house back together on your own.


    Good luck and welcome to SL!

  9. I pay state income tax because that is the law of my state.  I have income that is taxed as wages and I also can apportion a good deal of income as royalties.   I do not pay retail tax.  You may have local municipal tax to pay also.  It really comes down to where you live. 

    Consider paying a lawyer and or CPA in your state a few hundred bucks to really go over this stuff because it could save you many times that depending on your business.  I sat down with an accountant a few years ago to figure this stuff out, made my business into an S corp and that's legitimately saved me mucho money in taxes.

  10. It looks as if those U.S. citizens who submit the 1099, LL does not withhold taxes and it's up to you to legally prepare your taxes. That's not really a new concept in and of itself.


    I would guess, and the above should be remembered about consulting a tax attorney and or CPA, what is reported are US dollar transactions only. Linden cashed out to dollars.

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