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Aster Keng

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Everything posted by Aster Keng

  1. the fact is, we already tried to do so but apparently they cannot return those either. i already contacted an estate manager to try to fix what the guy did, but my question was mainly to know if subdividing the parcel in the way i thought would or not help to prevent this kind of stuff from happening in the future
  2. I have a question about objects getting stuck on parcel borders. Yesterday i had a griefer in my parcel who rezzed some self replicating cubes. I retuned everything, but some of them got stuck in the parcel borders and the sim doesn't allow me to return those because, apparently, they are not in my parcel, while not being in the neighbour's parcel either since they have object entry turned off as well. Now, i would like to avoid something like this to happen in the future. my question is, Is there a way to avoid this to happen, or at least to allow me to return every prim that gets stuck in the parcel border? I thought about subdividing my parcel and making a secondary parcel all around the main one, turning object entry and object rez off in that one, while in the main one i'd keep rez on, and object entry off. would that work? if the prims got stuck in that parcel border, would i be able to return them? here, to explain better what i mean: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mrs038rpsc8a4p3/parcel%20subdivision.png?dl=0 Thank you!
  3. Hello, I made a macro avatar, but now I have a problem with the offset. In past, I solved this by just using a physical vehicle, as I thought there was no way to get the offset I needed with animations only, but I saw that some avatars can get higher offsets than the one I can get with animations. I tried to do that with QAvimator, but the maximum offset I can get this way is around 5 meters, while the one I need is a lot bigger, around 30-40 meters. Does anybody know if there is a way to obtain an offset like that?
  4. Hello, I made a macro avatar, but now I have a problem with the offset. In past, I solved this by just using a physical vehicle, as I thought there was no way to get the offset I needed with animations only, but I saw that some avatars can get higher offsets than the one I can get with animations. I tried to do that with QAvimator, but the maximum offset I can get this way is around 5 meters, while the one I need is a lot bigger, around 30-40 meters. Does anybody know if there is a way to obtain an offset like that?
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