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Vrem Vaniva

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Posts posted by Vrem Vaniva

  1. Brilliant, Spooky :)

    I just had to ask in the Firestorm Support group if there is any contact person or group for LL Marketplace Merchant troubles ... and they referred me to this forum.  

    Love your idea to have Linden Lab gift cards! We be anything but tacky, of course *grin*

    I have some items that refuse to successfully "list" on MP, and there is no clue why. Nothing in any of the documentation explains why i can't list kitty boots, but can list anything else. Hmm, could it be my Maturity rating? ahah.

    Anyway ty for both the laugh and the seriuos parts. And if any Linden ever looks at this forum section ... plz can you give us a contact person or group ? 



  2. Ah, not possible to view the link that you posted, either!  I got this charming message when I tried to follow your link to the Jira ... "

    Permission Violation

    It seems that you have tried to perform an operation which you are not permitted to perform.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA administrators."


    So okay, there could be a nice reason , but ... /me cringes to think of having "performed an operation" just by clicking a link.  And they are not "my" Jira administrators at all -- how am i supposed to know who they are talking about? Why are they so unfriendly?  Just send me to jail, skip the formal frills and polite niceties?

    I was just trying to find out what MP problem you were talking about, since I am also having merchant listing problems. Maybe in next post,  write a couple specifics about what your marketplace listing problem actually IS..  since they won't even let us all view the JIRA.

    I have been experiencing similar problems with the MP not saving my changes to the listings. In addition, some items won't successfully list ,  and no reason is given.

    Regards, -- Vrem

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