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Atop Seid

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Everything posted by Atop Seid

  1. Understood. Though I am disappointed that I could not find an easier method, I will content myself to this regardless. Many thanks for your help.
  2. I have tried simplifying. Much to my disappointment, I have been unable to get these simplified meshes to fill all the gaps in the walls and the floor to prevent me from falling through.
  3. Do you mean the maximum number of hulls per physics shape? I ask as, as I said, the upload seems to work fine without applying physics. Is there not some shortcut to creating a custom collision mesh? I would much rather not have to create one for each of my structures by hand.
  4. I have spent all day trying to upload some meshes, but I am hitting constant roadblocks. Every time I try to Calculate Weights and Fee, I get the following message: "Mesh0 failed to upload: Multiple errors while validating asset. Upload_InvalidAsset Message: 'MAX_MAX_HULLS_EXCEEDED'. MissingString(Mav_Details_MAX_MAX_HULLS_EXCEEDED) See SecondLife.log for details" In this case, the vertices are 4194, the hulls are 1108 and triangles are N/A. I should also point out that, at least with this mesh, this issue only seems to occur after using the physics Analyze feature. The only things I changed from the default physics settings are putting the Level of Detail to High and Quality to Preview. This is one of the many issues I have been having. I looked for this error message online and searched for it in the forums, but I cannot find anyone else with the same issue. As for the other errors I am recieving, I have been unable to find anything that concretely fixed the issue. But I would rather fix this problem first.
  5. Drongle McMahon, thank you for your reply. I believe I understand, although I must verify one thing, if you are not understanding, which I hope you are. The transparency I refer to is that both textures are literally exactly the same. I simply disable the alpha layer on one of them. As a result of this, the alpha texture is always visible over the none-alpha texture, but I believe you know the rest from here. If you do indeed already know this, then I thank you for your assistance. Unfortunately, simply increasing the size of the meshes in such a way is unreasonable for me at this time. I shall either have to find a way around this issue, or to wait until LL implements proper texture layering. Again, thank you for your assistance, and best regards.
  6. Apologies for not being clear enough. Normally, by "Object" I refer to the two linked meshes and any additional prims/meshes in the link set. The two meshes share the EXACT same geometry. There are no differences. They are simply in the exact same location. This issue only occurs when there are more than two prims/meshes in the link set. Again, thisdoes not apply only to meshes. The same issue occurs with just simple prims such as cubes. When dragging a copy of the object (specifically, the object with two meshes and an additional prim, making three objects in total in the link set), the glitching textures somehow fix themselves. This is the same in EVERY instance of dragging a copy of the linked items.
  7. As I stated in the original post, the glitching seems to end when I drag a copy of the linked object, or when I rez a new version. Somehow, resetting the object seems to correct the issue. All I require is some way to reset the object manually.
  8. Thank you for your response. By "conflicts" I refer to how two textures overlap with each other, each one fighting to be visible over the other. If you place two prims of the same size in exactly the same location, each with different textures, you should experience this effect.
  9. Salutations. I am working with a mesh object, then copying it and placing a different texture on each. One texture is partially transparent, while the other is not. When I put both meshes in the exact same location, then change the colour (not the texture) of one mesh, the alpha texture does not seem to conflict with the non-alpha texture. Instead, the alpha texture seamlessly covers the none-alpha. I find this to be particularly useful for customisable objects, or rather it be would were it not for one unusual issue: When I add more than two objects to the linkset and subsequently change the colour of one mesh again, the textures experience conflicts. This exact same issur occurs with regular prims as well, and thus the issue does not only lie with meshes. An interesting solution I have found is to drag a copy, or simply rez the object. However, is only a temporary solution as the conflicts occur again when I change the colour of one of the meshes a second time. Note: the textures used are both identical. I simply disable the alpha on one of them. Any assistance you can provide on this issue would be most appreciated. Regards.
  10. Many thanks for your response. Unfortunately, the sound effect I am utilising was not recorded on my microphone and has been on my computer for some time and therefore I cannot record it at a higher volume. Although I shall try your suggested strategy of overlaying the same sound over the other in-world. Many thanks once again, and best regards.
  11. I have been unable to find a forum more suited to this question and have therefore elected to inquire here. I have been attempting to use Goldwave to create a particularly loud sound. After increasing the volume all seems to be working perfectly and the sound is still high-quality. However, once I save the sound in the format needed for upload to Second Life, the sound becomes irritatingly reduced in quality, grating my ears. This does not occur with sounds where the volume has not been altered. After uploading it to Second Life, the terrible sound quality seems to be unchanged still. Any assistance in how I can prevent this problem from occuring would be most welcome. Best regards.
  12. Oh, THAT rate dropdown. I had not realized. Thank you immensely for your assistance. All it seems to be working fine now. Thank you again, and salutations.
  13. Many thanks for the replies. However, as I stated, it appears I can only change the sample rate to Hz instead of kHz (although I accidentally said kz instead of hz in the original post). I am fairly certain that this is the issue. Could I be using the wrong version of Audacity? According to Torley Linden's video on uploading sounds (at least from what I can gather), these things should be taken care of automatically when saving. But as I stated, I still cannot upload sounds. (Also, when I do set the sample rate to 44.1hz, the sound becomes shortened and high-pitched.)
  14. I am asking this in this forum as I am unsure as to where else I can obtain assistance with this issue. I possess a series of Wave files that I intend to upload but, for reasons unknown to me, Second Life does not seem to support their format. Earlier this year I was using a Windows XP computer with a built-in simple sound editing tool, which allowed me to specifically save the file as Wave with PCM WAV format, 16-bit, 44.1kHz, mono. Since I got my new computer (Windows 7), I have been attempting to use Audacity to convert more of these particular sounds. However, when saving them as PCM Wave format, I find that Second Life simply cannot upload them, stating "File does not appear to be a supported sample rate (must be 44.1k)" Audacity allows me to change the sample rate to 44.1kz, but no 44.1kHz. I am assuming that this is part of the problem. Any assistance with this issue would be most appreciated. Kind regards.
  15. Thank you for your reply. It is an interesting idea, but Little Mos Eisley is currently the most popular Sim of it's kind. I would rather not ask the owner/s to make any changes to it. Nevertheless, I again thank you for your suggestion. Kind regards.
  16. The Grid Republic is currently seeking a full region (Or a full region plus two other regions (three in a row)) where we intend to construct our base of operations and commercial district. We intend to build a large quantity of shops, markets, and apartments in the commercial district which we intend to put up for rent upon completion. To benefit the provider of the region, the rent money from all of these apartments shall go to the provider, as well as, if accepted, a position in the Republic's government. The Grid Republic is dedicated to providing opportunities to all residents of Second Life, as well as helping new residents to settle in. Please send Atop Seid/Dantius Palpatine an Instant Message in-world if you would like to learn more about the Grid Republic. Best regards.
  17. Your comment seems to lean dangerously close to an attempt at mockery. I would never consider myself to be an unfailing person. I have attempted to consider almost every single aspect of the Republic. If I did not, do you truly believe I would have come here requesting someone willing to provide the use of a Sim without knowing what to tell them about the Republic? I would never consider myself a dictator, especially since the power shall be with the people. I have even been writing a constitution which ensures that the people shall remain free to do as they please without breaking the ToS. I myself shall not actually have that much power, considering the immense amount of work I shall put into the Republic once it is more fully established. The concerns mentioned previously are not worthy of concern as they have already been addressed. I have previously informed many people as to my intentions and have assisted in putting their minds at ease. I have done and stated nothing to indicate that the Republic would be a roleplay system. Had I based it off of the US government would you consider it a roleplay system? What if I created it off an entirely original physical concept? I care very little for roleplay actually.
  18. I understand your concerns. I consider the Republic to be a "government within a government". We claim no ownership of Second Life in any way. We merely wish to create a form of order within Second Life. Regarding your second point, Republic Security forces do not patrol the Grid, but rather simply Republic owned areas, reporting only very specific violations of the ToS. The purpose of the Abuse Report system is to report violations to Linden Labs, is it not? The Republic's Security Bureau is simply tasked with reporting these violations in Republic areas. If this were not allowed, then the entire Abuse Report system is unnecessary, and as a result, every single member of Second Life has LL's approval to enforce their laws. Your concerns are familiar to me, and I can assure you, they not worthy of concern. I have considered all the aspects, and have been doing so for the past year, and I would not rush into any decision without thinking of the consequences.
  19. Some very good questions. Regarding your first question, I have plans to ensure that it is advertised appropriately in order to ensure that information regarding the sim is spread around the grid, spreading all the vital information regarding it. It is a complicated plan, but I have thought it through. Regarding the law, they are the Linden's laws. The ToS shall be upheld wherever possible, and the Grid Republic shall help ensure that major violations are reported. No one shall ever be under any Republic authority. Second Life has no government owned by Linden Lab's. The purpose of the Grid Republic's government is to unite other groups. Of course though, anyone who chooses not to join the Republic shall not be under any such government authority or needs to abide by it. A common problem I experience when people meet me with this subject is that they assume I wish to govern the entire grid, but I can assure you, it shall be limited to those who seek the benefits of the Republic only, in other words, only Republic members. The Republic's politics deal with all internal matters which you mentioned. Money shall not be that much of a concern to me during the Republic's time, but when it shall be required, I shall earn it for myself. I find taxes to be morally wrong, and so, I believe all governments should earn money. I intend to legally sell my own products in my own business as any other resident. You have determined some good questions, and I am perfectly content in answering them. I encourage the asking of further questions.
  20. There have probably been many requests for a sim/island/region in the past, and whether or not they have been met I cannot say. However, I can say that the benefits to whoever can provide one now should make up for any doubts today. The Grid Republic is seeking a base of operations. The Grid Republic is not a military, but a government, or rather, an actual Republic. Other groups are free to join the Republic and become part of our Senate. Our basic physical design is partially based off of the fictional faction, The Galactic Republic, from the popular science-fiction franchise Star Wars. However, do not assume that this makes it unworthy. The goal of the Republic is not to serve roleplayers, but to serve the entire Grid, particularly new players. The Republic is to privide business, combat, social, and advertisement opportunities to everyone on Second Life, without hindering the experience of others, which is why notices shall not be available to ordinary citizens. The Galactic Republic simply seemed like an interesting basis for the group. On the sim we shall build, our Senate and Executive buildings for all government operations, our training center for our military, a city for the civilian population, and a Jedi Temple for those that actually DO seek roleplay, or who wish to help enforce the rule of law across Second Life. These are the main areas of the Sim only, and other, less noticable buildings shall be present as well. In order to fit this all in, each area shall be placed at a different height, just beyond the draw distance of most avatars. The benefits to the provider of the Sim are thus: the rent from every single store and apartment rental shall go to whoever proves the Sim, and the provider shall also have a seat on the senate if they so choose. In the past, I have been rudely mocked for this concept. However, is it so wrong to offer great new educational, business, advertisement opportunities, and more to Second Life's residents? I have been accused of being a Star Wars fan, which would be my only motivation for this, and while I admit I find the franchise enjoyable, I would have made the Grid Republic into a roleplay group if I cared more for science-fiction than for the residents of Second Life. The benefits of this could be immense. If you have nothing positive to say or anything which cannot be of assistance in this task, then please do not reply. I have had my fill of feeling like the mocked inventors of old. Best regards, and may you all be well.
  21. My concept of a perfect tier system is one that does not exist. I find that tier seems to be nothing more than another means of obtaining profit for Linden Lab. Land prices are high enough as they are, and tier shall only make things more difficult. I believe everyone should be able to simply buy what land they desire without having to concern themselves with losing it. If this is not the tier you are refering to however, then my apologies.
  22. This announcement seems to be satisfactory. With everyone below the age of 16 being sent to secure educational sims, the younger teens shall not think so harshly of Linden Labs. I believe this arrangement is a suitable solution for those younger teens until they reach the age of 16. In my opinion, this announcement means more to look forward to from the coming merge.
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