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Filipa Thespian

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Posts posted by Filipa Thespian

  1. Hey everyone.  We've been working on an in world game/sim setup and with that writing the story that goes with it.  We began creating videos of episodes of the story setup.  We're up to episode 3 in season 1, there are planned 8 episodes in season 1 :).

    Would be spiffy if you are so inclined to subscribe and like and even comment on the episodes :) Thanks

    It's called Atomic City and the playlist is here: 


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  2. On 9/14/2022 at 1:23 PM, Charlotte Bartlett said:

    The good news is if they misstep and try to overwrite the license those of us whom paid upfront and try to implement transaction fees in the future, we can easily migrate to a third party vendor system and there are wider options now including self hosting for those who want their own servers/hosting.  The bigger brands do this already.

    About which vendor systems do you speak?  I'd like to start keeping an eye on these closely. 

    While I absolutely love my Casper systems, if down the road, fees start getting added, while I'll hate to do it, I will need to find another vendor solution and fast.  I simply refuse to pay any more fees to LL for my businesses.  


    1. Based on a real L$5,500 sale of a build within the last 30 days, of which I received L$4,950, we pay 10% to LL on each product we sell on marketplace.
    2. With the above in consideration, let's say you made L$177,778 entirely from MP sales.  That's $703.31 USD.  CONGRATULATIONS! :) Based on #1 above, MP commissions to LL cost L$17,778 or $70.55 USD.
    3. So, now we have L$160,000 and we want to cash that out to USD. Fabulous!  Ok, the Estimated Value is $633.04 of which we will receive $610.28 USD (a $22.76 or 4% fee to LL)
    4. Now, we want to get that money into our RL bank accounts so, we head on over to TILIA where we cash that $610.28 USD out and receive $579.77 USD in our PayPal or Skrill account.  That's a difference of 5% or $30.51 USD.
    5. So lets put it all that together...
      1. LL fees on L$703.31 USD are: 70.55 + 22.76 + 30.51= $123.82
      2. in percentages that would be 4% + 5% + 10% = for a 19% total tax rate

    LAND COST: Let's not forget too, land fees either direct to LL or to a rental agent (a real expense). A full sim now is $229 usd/month and a homestead is $109 usd/mo.  If you own your land, you're also paying a minimum of $99 USD a year to LL to be allowed to own land (or $9.95 USD/mo).  And if you are renting land from a rental agent/land baron, your tier is higher (I'm not doing math on these because everyone is different and I'm not sure what the current rental prices are lol.).

    I wont go into other fees we pay to LL like uploading textures, meshes, etc, as they are really unique to the individual.  But here we begin to clearly see the cost of doing business with LL in SL as a content creator.

    And remember, none of this takes into account the cost of purchasing materials from other content creators for your products or properties.  

    I can't help but feel like it's enough already.  At what point is it just to costly to be a content creator in SL?  Seems to me, content creators pay all the bills so that those who come to play for free don't have to, while they constantly push for us to give them everything for free lol.  Yay what a life haha.  

    In the end, you REALLY need to pay close attention to what you're doing if you want your SL business to be a RL income.

    Forgive me but I really am not seeing this purchase of CasperTech as a great thing for content creators but I do say congrats to Casper Warden, I was likely a very good thing for him lol.

    Happy New Year and best wishes to everyone out there in the original "metaverse" lol :D

    Hugs and much love,
    Filipa (a.k.a. Pip)

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  3. 2 hours ago, rasterscan said:

    logged in quite happily with my free membership alt, but cannot login with my 100 buck a year premium accy


    Could it be cuz of the size of your ... inventory?  I'm tellin you, SIZE DOES MATTER!!! :D

    I've noticed that my alts that have VERY small inventories load REALLY FAST while my main avie that has an OMG size inventory takes FOREVER to get in and right now, is not able to get in lol.  hmm, I wonder if that's a useful thing to point out? dunno.  OMG it's starting to feel like the old days in SL hehehe.

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