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chryblnd Scribe

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Everything posted by chryblnd Scribe

  1. The photos are beautiful, and a vast improvement on the old in-house photography. As they should be, since they're taken by some of the best-known and best-loved fashion photographers in SL. But if the point was to entice the casual passerby into SL to check out the music, I think it's a miss. Come to SL and listen to your iPod? Come to SL for the karaoke?
  2. As a club manager, I have terminated arrangements with DJs who considered racial slurring to be humour, though I will acknowledge I am a little more forthright about this issue than many are. I can tell you that even if a customer has a complaint that I personally find petty or annoying, it still MUST be given a thorough response. Any club whose management does not wish to hear or deal with your feedback is failing at basic customer service. Bad behaviour persists because people do nothing. I WANT to know what you think of my club, and I sure want to know if someone in a position of authority is behaving badly. In the event that the club management sees noting wrong with the behaviour of the DJ (and this could just as easily have been another customer or a live musician, despite the barrow-pushing of another respondent), or is reluctant to confront the DJ , which is often the case, then you certainly should "vote with your feet" and leave the club and the group over a matter you feel is important. It's passive-aggressive to leave and not say why, but not everything has to be a drama. I would encourage you to have your say, and listen to the management's response - you can then quietly and with dignity leave or stay as you see fit.
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