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Runeknight Hax

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Posts posted by Runeknight Hax

  1. no no, I've selected the object and it stopped moving while it was selected. I've seen things like this since 2 or 3 years ago, on a weapon someone was wearing and a cube thing someone else had built. One of them was a gun that while in the holstered position floated in an eliptical motion next to their hip and the other was a rotating cube that bobbed up and down inside an invisible root prim.

  2. I've been looking for a way to script something which will allow me to simulate a smooth sort of bobbing motion in an object on the vertical axis. I've seen such things in the past but when I've asked as to the function that allowed it all I got was "it involves complicated trigonometry, you wouldn't get it." The examples I've seen which simulate what I'm interested in used a root stationary prim and a child prim within it that moved in either an up and down motion while rotating or a smooth elliptical pattern, and also could do so while being worn in an attachment slot.

    I've tried the usual llsetpos and lltargetomega to no avail. I've also tried keyframes, hoverheight, and buoyancy but they only work with physical and/or unworn things. Trying to get the smooth fluidity with stepped movement calls just looks jittery and is prone to errors and also eats up resources.

    I know it's possible to accomplish what I want but nobody seems to be privy to sharing how it's done, as scripts are held as private property and such.

    One other thing I've been looking for is a way in which to rotate an object over 360 degrees and have it stop at a predefined angle smoothly, such as a clocks hand's spinning out of control then stopping on a certain time.
     It would be cool if this was possible as well.

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