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Mimi1 Nikitin

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Posts posted by Mimi1 Nikitin

  1. I've got to agree with Penny on this one,  just for a different reason why I think it's broken.  The materials should be their own setting to turn on and off, they shouldn't have been tied in with the settings for shadows.  The way it's setup now if you want materials you're stuck using the so-called "advanced lighting model" which tends to makes everything look like garbage with shadows turned off. 

    This just seems to me like LL has inadvertently created an all or nothing situation..... either you get materials and shadows or you get nothing at all...  and in my book that really sucks.    

  2. Porky Gorky wrote:


    Based on the fact that LL's revenue must be falling year on year at an increased rate, the investors are only going to tolerate this for so long before they pull out. Even if the company is still profitable then this can happen if investors loose faith in the company's ability to increase profits down the road. The fact that we have seen such a increased rate of decline in 2012 in all the areas I have previously mentioned must be very worrisome for the investors.




    Sorry no facts here... merely speculation. :matte-motes-tongue:

    I fail to understand how you can make financial valuations without any knowledge of a company’s physical assets, overhead ECT.   You are looking at the virtual statistics and trying to draw real world conclusions,  it’s just not that simple.  I might put some stock in your theories for “the demise of SL in 1214” if you had produced some actual data showing that LL was hemorrhaging capital but so far you haven't.  Just another gloomy Gus...  See ya in 1215 :matte-motes-tongue:


  3. Periodically the items in my favorites list show up out of order.

    When this happens I can't seem to get them show up in chronological order as they should.

    Even re launching marketplace doesn’t seem to fix it.

    Sometimes they show up in the right order sometimes they don't. :matte-motes-confused:

    Is this a bug in marketplace or am I doing something wrong?   It's quite frustrating. :matte-motes-sour:

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