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Nina69a Flux

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Posts posted by Nina69a Flux

  1. I'm about to pull my hair out! As of a little bit ago everytime I relog or try to put something new on, a mountain of objects attaches itself to me. I cleared cache and relogged, even rebooted my whole computer and it's still doing it. I also updated my firestorm, same thing. I tried logging onto another viewer (Singularity) Still happens! and I also tried a character test and yet again, mountains of objects pile on top of me.. I have no idea what else to do. I'm getting so frustrated... please help.. is anyone else going through this? I bought a demo of something off marketplace, when I tried it on, it locked me up... after I restared SL, that's when all this happened.. I deleted and purged those items JUST in case, but i'm not really sure that'd be the cause of the issue or not...


    Method 2 worked. Thanks so much guys!!!!

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