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Dhughan Froobert

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Posts posted by Dhughan Froobert

  1. I've been banging the rocks on my head for about 2 weeks to no avail; need help and icebag.

    I'm working on a simple mesh kit for a man's coat. I found some very nice quality fabric that the texture creator provides as 1024's, a convenient size to work on and then I know to reduce the size to 512 for use in SL. The kit came with the usual sample textures and shadow/UV map to use as examples for making shadows and so forth.

    It looks great if I simply slap the 1024 on the mesh kit and set repeats, but then using the kit creator's shadowmap/AO isn't an option with the repeats. I was wondering about the materials slots but don't want a shiny or bumpy look.

    It looks almost as good with a simple resized and repeated 512 of the plain fabric, very little difference (the example shown is the 1024). With the darker fabrics, this would be fine.

    When I uploaded it previously, I was not sure if in GIMP I should leave the OLE compression box ticked or unticked. It seems to be better left unticked as the textures came out blurry on upload to the beta grid (or viewing as local textures on main grid). It seems fine now, as a plain fabric, with lossy compression off - is that right? I changed SL graphics preferences following a recent discussion here.

    The real problem is I'd like to add some shadows for the lighter fabrics. I thought to scale the fabric in GIMP that I would use either "small tiles" to scale the repeats, and then overlay the shadows. But no matter what I do, the fabric (small-tiled, or pattern filled from a pattern I made) comes out blurry.

    Is there a better way to do this in GIMP so that this nicely tileable plaid-ish wool can show the repeats, yet remain crisp and sharp on upload?

    I'm sure it's some setting somewhere and I am being a complete doofus. The image below is crisp, but I can't get that effect unless it's the plain fabric, repeated in the SL edit window.

    Grateful for your input! I did mess with my graphics settings (in Firestorm) to increase AA and anisotropic filtering. Should I back off from that?



  2. Hello, all.

    Obligatory "not a scripter" statement goes HERE.

    I'm working on product improvements. I make simple scripted attachments that use a script and notecard to change their position and rotation when a certain animation is played. For the most part, they work, but they could be better, and I don't want to simply advise customers "reset the scripts" every time the problem I describe below is encountered.

    Why do my objects (generally a cane or stick of some kind) sometimes flick back and forth metronomically around the root object? This happens if I change AOs (using an onboard AO such as Dolphin's or Firestorm's or Imprudence) or if I reload an AO notecard via a HUD. It also occasionally happens if I sit while wearing the stick on some (not all) on a scripted seat. The stick will start whapping me in the leg, not good behavior at all. I can imagine other creators have encountered this problem and solved it, so I'm asking here.

    I believe I should be able to fix it by adding a "reset" command if the script detects an AO change, but have not a clue how that's done. And why is it happening in the first place? How can I avoid it happening when sitting on a scripted chair or bench?

    Thank you in advance, sorry for my rudimentary knowledge which is the likeliest root cause.

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