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Reecie Aries

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Everything posted by Reecie Aries

  1. After years...of playing SL on craptops and older than dirt desktops, fighting with lag and struggling to keep up, I've decided I am just going to get a new computer. Now, my budget is low around 800 usd and I have to buy a monitor also as the one I have is on its last legs. I've searched the digital storm website and found that I can afford the lowest level pc they have or maybe the second level, but I prefer nvidia gfx. Specs as follows.. - NVIDIA GTX 650 1GB - Intel Core i3 4330 CPU - 8GB 1600MHz Memory - 500GB 7200RPM HDD - ASUS H81 Chipset Motherboard - 430W Corsair CX Power Supply - DVD-R/RW/CD-R/RW - Microsoft Windows 8.1 I know anything and I do mean anything is an improvement from where I am now. I struggle mercilessly at low settings. But I would like to have opinions on the gfx card, and motherboard parts. As I may be able to upgrade later on.
  2. Thanks guys. I figured I would try it out, it couldn't hurt I guess.
  3. Alright, I was unsure where to post this questions. So I took a shot at this one. I am just wondering if ANYONE at all has had problems converting lindens into USD using LindeX. I am speaking more in terms of the after process of transferring your USD balance that was sent to paypal to your bank account. I have heard many accounts get frozen for fraudulant activity (such as a large number of dollars, being put into your paypal account at one given time. Paypal mistakes this as a fraud. For some odd reason I have no idea why.) Now, that being said I am only going to be selling 30-50 thousand lindens. which is maybe 100-160 USD if i'm lucky. (Based off the estimated rate I saw when I typed those figures into the box.) So it wouldn't be anything to drastic. If anyone can shed some light on this situation please do.
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