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Vermus Dryke

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Everything posted by Vermus Dryke

  1. I see but is there any way at all I can try and resolve this issue? These days it feels like it's getting worse each day. I try resetting my modem hoping this will in some way help elliviate the issue but my hopes are dashed when I go in-world and see it continuing. I like Second life a lot and it's frustrating that seemingly no one else is getting this issue except for me. Would talking to my ISP help settle this issue?
  2. I have experiencing an issue with connectivity to SL; in this case it causes my ping to rise to somewhat ridiculous levels before settling, my usual ping is between 175-225 but now the ping races up to sometimes 900+ for up to a few seconds. This has been going on for almost three months and I have run numerous checks with my ISP who tell me there is nothing wrong with the line and service, I believe I have found the reason for my problem but I'm unsure what could be causing it. I am in the UK and on a wired connection and depending upon rolling restarts I get 22-23 hops to the region I'm on when I test using CMD program. In all tests now the 21st and 22nd hop both register as; Request Timed out. In this case below I ran a Tracert to my home sim Minten: Tracing route to sim10265.agni.lindenlab.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 2 35 ms 36 ms 35 ms 3 41 ms 40 ms 38 ms 4 37 ms 35 ms 34 ms 5 41 ms 38 ms 40 ms 6 37 ms 36 ms 36 ms 7 37 ms 39 ms 39 ms 8 37 ms 37 ms 37 ms 9 41 ms 38 ms 40 ms core1-te0-0-0-5.faraday.ukcore.bt.net [109.159.2 49.43] 10 37 ms 36 ms 37 ms peer2-xe8-1-0.telehouse.ukcore.bt.net [109.159.2 55.101] 11 36 ms 36 ms 34 ms t2c3-xe-0-2-0-0.uk-lon1.eu.bt.net [ 0] 12 41 ms 39 ms 40 ms 13 136 ms 133 ms 131 ms vb1042.rar3.nyc-ny.us.xo.net [] 14 188 ms 193 ms 190 ms te-3-0-0.rar3.washington-dc.us.xo.net [207.88.12 .74] 15 189 ms 186 ms 183 ms [] 16 186 ms 183 ms 206 ms [] 17 197 ms 192 ms 188 ms [] 18 190 ms 241 ms 185 ms ae0d0.mcr2.phoenix-az.us.xo.net [] 19 188 ms 187 ms 187 ms ip67-155-242-74.z242-155-67.customer.algx.net [6] 20 * * * Request timed out. 21 * * * Request timed out. 22 190 ms 185 ms 185 ms sim10265.agni.lindenlab.com [] Trace complete. Any idea what could be causing those two hops to simply not respond? CallSend SMSAdd to SkypeYou'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype
  3. Well for me; the route traced shows them joining up with Level3.net servers in London then moving across the Atlantic but despite that the ms do increase a lot as soon as I enter their network and I did run a pingtest to Level3.net to make sure, the result was 100% packet loss. I've run numerous speedtests too; all of which have had no such difficulties that I can make out.
  4. Hello there, I too am receiving this issue. It only seemed to start around the 20th of December, prior to this I have had no issues with lag but now movement in Second Life causes my ping to increase from about 200 upwards to around 800 at times. I am from the the UK and on a wired connection and as such I tried a tracert and like Scot's result it shows as soon as I enter the fourteenth hop in network to Level3.net my ms increases drastically.
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