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Kirey Rang

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Everything posted by Kirey Rang

  1. I really just wanted this thing off grid again, that's all and I won't pretend you're someone, I don't know you.
  2. I am not frustrated as some tried to presume nor I have hatred toward anybody, I am just speaking my mind, but when it comes to fact there's little to do. We may have different opinions toward an individual, but here are are some proof Insilico has been a monument to content ripping for years https://ifritskytower.tumblr.com/post/142147116770/higher-resolution-images-1-2-3-desecration-of-a Even the first edition of the sim, original Insilico, had many ripped textures of famous games. We all have our downs and often fall to the dark side, but some just love the life of the black sheep/bad guy because apparently they find it to be cool Some history: https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/The_Wrong_Hands P.s.: I think we went off topic here.
  3. I always try to be as much polite and respectful I can but I think I have the right to be threated as well, I think I finally understood Skills blame me and some friends for her ban (which is an insane claim) and thought it was fine to add me to this system database. Erhm I am sorry but copybotting is still quite the issue, my friends have their stuff stolen regularly and aren't even selling those, ask Julia Faulkland if coybotting isnt an issue anymore. There were ways of detecting client channels prior to 2012, but CDS could never manage to do that, it's a scam simple as that. Oh and a system to grief people over personal issues.
  4. I am sorry I don't think I said "Don't reply if you want to criticize me or post negative responses".
  5. I'm glad all of you share my same thoughts, also hello there Fitty @TronyaSouther
  6. @Solar Legion You are right there, but I thought it was implicit since their listing states "there is no way for users to see any sensitive information or even add people to our database, it is completely automated." makes me understand that there is a shared database external to grid and not notecard based system. Also "CDS is a networked system, banlists are automatically shared so CDS users benefit from each other." doesn't specific the existence of personal black and white lists.
  7. @Cinos Field Furthermore, three sim owners (stores) that reached out and helped admitted they could modify the blacklist and whitelist, that is quite contradictory to the system marketplace listing description. 😮
  8. @Solar Legion Well in the end I came to think about it like you do, thank you very much! @Cinos Field That's what I tried to do, some owners replied and helped me, others won't I guess if they don't care why should I.
  9. @Alwin Alcott Sorry I didn't mean to belittle Kardargo proposal, but I don't feel like doing that also cause I'm not giving information on a page that isn't using secure socket. @Gabriele Graves I would if the sims in question weren't two of my favourite stores, fortunately some know me and get in touch and help a lot. @Eric Castanea I'd agree with you, but since the system has been sold from 2016 by a new owner (smart move tbh) some content creators use it not knowing the huge history of abuse this "system" has. @Arduenn Schwartzman Oh don't have me started on that, I always had that off, I recently bought a Legagy body and I just noticed that to use some features of their hud you have to let script play media. >_< Thank you for your replies ^^
  10. Let's be honest here, I have never used any blocked/illegal/copykat whatsover, for the solely reason those client smelled backdoored and fishy from miles away, so I don't really feel like appealing for something I didn't do.
  11. Greetings, I came back to SL after a 3 years and a half long hiatus a month or so ago, and when trying to get back in shape with events and stores I used to like I came across this CDS system again at a store I love, but this time I wasn't the one witnessing someone getting banned, this time the one getting banned was me. Well I contacted the owner who was kind enough to unban me and apologize cause he saw I was his loyal customer, no big deal, nonetheless now I am noticing I'm getting banned as soon as I land from other stores and this is getting pretty annoying now. Now most will tell me it was automated cause I use malicious third party viewer, I'd like to know if Firestorm is among those malicious viewer cause I've been using it since Phoenix (few times tried Alchemy and Black Dragon but was ages ago). Some of you would tell me that someone added me to a blacklist, wait on their marketplace listing it states "Detection is done in various ways, reliable with no chance for false positives. It works region-wide without utilizing channel listeners, probe-rezzing, sensors, !quit spamming or other inferior techniques. In accordance to the Second Life TOS there is no way for users to see any sensitive information or even add people to our database, it is completely automated." so is it violating it's own listing terms? Someone added me on said list while I was offline? Why so? I already tried contacting the seller of this "security system" but got no response, also filed an AR and support ticket, but all I got was someone answering with one of those automated response. What are your thoughts on this? P.s.: don't reply to this topic if you want to troll or if you had a bad day and you're looking for a target to unleash your frustration upon, thank you for your time.
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