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Aoi Foxtrot

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Everything posted by Aoi Foxtrot

  1. Alright I'll give that a try, tho I find it odd that it would pop up like that after its been weighted. and it HAS been weighted, I've even moved the arm around every which way on the skeleton and theres nothing out of place EDIT: Other people are seeing the problem as well EDIT AGAIN: updated my graphics card driver like suggested...the problem is still there and now everything is purple
  2. Hey guys, first time posting ot the forum. I've recently started to relearn how to rig mesh and work in blender (done it before....took a break from it to play around in sculptris), and Im having an issue I dont know how ot solve. I made an arm for a furry avatar and the first time I rigged it, it was fine...just had to fix a few weight issues. Done that, and now in world it has a piece just shooting off screen. I remember a while back this issue was a viewer issue when you seen it....but how do you fix it on a rigged Item? Heres a Picture of what Im talking about: http://gyazo.com/c20cca23129e7dd606eb55b5f1f10b65
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