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Sampati Singh

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Posts posted by Sampati Singh

  1. Hello,

    i am looking for a paid job as scripter or builder.

    Languages: German and English


    • Building: Nearly everything you can imagine. (No mesh please)
    • Scripting: Experienced scripter with LSL, php, AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language), MySQL and other web based scripting
    • Texturing: GIMP, Inkscape (Love to create custom logos, ads, etc.)

    I am a reliable person and i never make promises i can not fullfill.

    I expect: Fair payment (SL time is RL time), dramafree collaboration 

    Please do not send inworld messages, use my mail address (sampati.singh(AT)freiekunst.info ) or post your request here in the forum.


    Just tell me what you need and what you want me to create and i will make you an offer.

    Please let me know when is the best time to contact you inworld.


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