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November Shelman

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Posts posted by November Shelman

  1. Ok well what you did to fix yours isnt going to work on mine. I am not running dual cards I am running a nvidea geforce 5500 have never had these issues before. I did howerver upgrade to a dual core processor, if that makes any difference? I know it didnt make any difference in performace the issue remains characteristically the same (EXACTLY the same) no matter which tower I have plugged in and no matter what I do to increase performance of said tower. Out of game the towers handle animations flawlessly. Inworld screen update speed stays at once per 2 seconds PLEASE help.

  2. I am having exactly the same issue I switched towers I upgraded processor called my Internet provider they came out and fixed some issues with the outside and inside connections. Still exactly the same results I downloaded World of Warcraft looked awsome all the animations were smooth and fluid till I actually connected to the WOW environment at that point I got the EXACT same fps I had in SL. I'm stumped too please help.

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