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Zoz Quandry

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Posts posted by Zoz Quandry

  1. As a singer/songwriter/producer/sl-performer I am looking to hire either an enthusiastic trainee assistant with the view of helping them grow into promotion and management roles... or possibly work instead with a committed, experienced Manager.

    Applicants for the Assistant role would ideally have a love of the live music scene in SL, be socially communicative, bold, intelligent and creative. Wages would start low for simple tasks and rise fast as your skills & responsibilities increase. Must be UK Timezone-friendly. Please send you introductory notecard & any questions as an application in-world.

    Managers or Management Companies may contact me directly to arrange an interview..


    Employer Background

    Zoz Quandry (Davy Thwaites) from the UK has been making music for over 25 years, mostly in Switzerland where he was vocalist with Swiss progressive rock band, RAK.

    Under such names as Dub Monk, Ethnomorph, The Love Frequency and Zoz & The Lab he produces Psybient, Dub & trippy chill beats.

    For the first time (and exclusive to second life) Zoz brings his decades of singer/songwriter acoustic guitar material live to the public. Melodic, melancholic, mystical, semi-biographical songs of love and loss, addiction & connection.

    Music links available on request.



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