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ImpendingDoom Looming

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Posts posted by ImpendingDoom Looming

  1. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote:

    You can do a lot just by making the TITLE have more words that people would use to describe the item. It's weighted very heavily in search, the first words are the most important ones, and if the title doesn't explain exactly what I'm looking for, I won't click.

    Example: [DD] Sculpty Picket Fence ^ White Picket Fence 1 Prim Only ^ Seamless  

    You are repeating the words picket fence, which might be hurting you, and you are NOT using the one adjective that describes the fence shape ... "arched" or "scalloped". If I were looking for that style picket fence, I would be using "scalloped picket fence" to see what comes up.

    Also, why the wasted space with [DD], "only", and the ^ marks? No one is searching for ^

    Recommended Title: Picket fence section, scalloped or arched, sculpty

    Use really RELEVANT keywords, things people will be typing into the search box.

    Your keywords are:
    Picket, Fence, White,
    High Quality
    , Seamless,
    Cheap, Good, Nice,
    Sculpted, Sculpty,
    Garden, Landscaping, Zaun, Decoration, Barrier, Security, Screen
    (again, you need arched and scalloped in the keywords)

    I'm not going to be searching for "high quality" or "cheap". If I'm price conscious, I'll sort by price.

    On this item, the title says white and the picture shows dirty grey ... FIX IT!

    FIX IT!? I am glad that you do not represent the average buyer nor a sucessful merchant on SLM whom I would want to base a business plan on. People buy by visual impulse mostly, specially on the lower priced items. I never read a description of an item costing less than 50L because if it sucks I simply delete it. Keywords are not nearly as relevant as the number of sales in a 48(?) hr period so what you put there is really not important. The way the search engine works you could put blue and since its a color like red it will give you results with red in it as well. The only way to shop s to drill down on subcategories and browse the best selling ones and pick a picture you like and click buy. This is why I made the thread. I do not need help with keywords, I want to know how to move my items up in the page ranking like some other merchants in my industry do. There is no way that a specialty item can remain a top seller in a main category for months on end without some fudging by the merchant. If not, it would mean that more people than are active members of SL would have this given product in their inventory and since it is a building supply part I find it odd that I have never seen it used on any buildings for sale like some of the old best selling items..Those you could find everywhere because the sales were actually real for the most part.


    Think I am wrong? Just go search for the word Blue and watch and learn.


  2. CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

    Do NOT delete and relist your product.  Doing so is a direct violation of the Marketplace Listing Guidelines and will result in your product being blocked on the Marketplace.


    Yet there are listings that were flagged for relisting and you did nothing about it. Perhaps this rule only applies to products that are not top sellers? I have seen people relist a product and move it back up to the very top of a category in 2 days by purchasing it with alts.


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