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Philip McGillivary

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Posts posted by Philip McGillivary

  1. Since my SL Viewer was automatically updated on June 21st, it no longer seems to be possible to get shared media to work.


    The Texture tab on the Edit dialogue no longer has the piece at the foot that enables media to be added to a prim.


    And the shared media previously working in my sim no longer works, or if it does it's not working properly.


    Has shared media been abandoned?  Or is it now only available to paying members?  I have seen no announcement to that effect.


    Thanks for any advice.

  2. Some days ago I submitted an Event , a talk under Education, 'How to Save the Planet by Planting Trees' at 1.00pm PDT on June 21st 2013.  It appeared in my Events Diary very quickly, but I have checked with four other people and it is not appearing in their Diary.

    Could you explain to me why it is not appearing in other people's Diary, please?

    Many thanks

    Philip McGillivary


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