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  1. danke, eldex funktioniert einwandfrei. koennte man damit eine premiummitgliedschaft realisieren?
  2. ich hatte mal 2 jahre lang eine premium-mitgliedschaft. nach der kuendigung hat SL angefangen mir voellig grundlos tier zu berechnen. ich hatte noch nie tier zu bezahlen. SL hat damals auf keinen kontaktversuch meinerseits reagiert, premiummitglied mit chatberechtigung war ich ja nicht mehr, ich konnte dem spiel erst mit einer offiziellen beschwerde bei paypal ein ende bereiten, sie haben sofort nach der beschwerde das geld zurueckgezahlt und nichts mehr abgebucht. dabei ist mir klargeworden, dass sie bei der ganzen paypalgeschichte sowas wie ne einzugsberechtigung haben, das war mir nicht bewusst gewesen, ich habe dann diese berechtigung widerrufen und beschlossen erstmal auf geld in SL zu verzichten. momentan wuerde ich aber gerne wieder ein paar linden kaufen. geht das direkt bei SL mit paypal ohne diese "einzugsberechtigung"? was ist von drittanbietern, die linden verkaufen, zu halten? gibt es unter diesen anbietern empfehlenswerte?
  3. any opinions? have u tried it?
  4. good to know that the water flicker it´s a bug and turning off Develop>Rendering>Object-Object Occlusion seems to work fine for me. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Natoma/173/187/44 first I wanted to answer, that on this place they don´t create that glich with 2 prims, but then I looked at that prims again and closer and it´s exactly what´s happening, should have seen that myself before, especially when I would have done that building exercise. thanks a lot for ur help, Karl
  5. http://gyazo.com/6060c137b89dec331bf4720570777bc7 (gif) http://gyazo.com/493bff6a56c45638b544c8212ea3a5f4 http://gyazo.com/35cffee535d42ea27604d495c5eecbb5 http://gyazo.com/d4e71e70e702c721387384805b900d41 http://gyazo.com/ea56763028ae77e9e5fd6dca9443ada1 I very often see the flicker on land u can see in the upper part of the gif, the flicker on the objects in the lower part is new to me, but looks simular. the 4 pics below the gif show my firestorm graphic settings. is there a way to reset the firestorm graphics settings to a standard setting? the only way to do that I found so far is to do a clean reinstall. r there ways to safe or import graphic settings? where can I find instructions to learn some basics about this settings and how a standard settings look like. it´s not that I play around so much with this settings, I just sometimes follow recommendations of friends and sim owners for their sims and have not much clue what I really change then and quickly lose overview and have not much idea what I really changed or could change back when strange things show up. I often change the draw distance by the dd command, especially when things load to slow, I also sometimes change the RenderVolumeLODFactor just because I got recommended to set it higher than standard without really knowing what RenderVolumeLODFactor does exactly. Karl
  6. I should not talk that bad at all. I had a griefer in my area, at least I think what happened is called griefing. on a neighbours parcel was a weird thing consisting of countless objects, which seemed to reproduce themselves constantly. u could hardly walk, lag meters showed 100% lag, teleporters didn´t work, everything took endless time, it was really bad. after 2 days I decided to find out how to complain about this. used that "help > abuse" function in the viewer. after 10 minutes there was a notification: "all scripts disabled by an admin in this region" 15 minutes later: "all scripts work again" and the thing was gone and everything was fine. I also had only very positive experiences with several premium support chats, this guys were allways available instantly and help very patiently and friendly with even the dumbest newbie problem or question.
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: Those are interesting speculation but LL did not do anything to stop the API that landbots really use. LL knows this too. Which would bring us all the way back around to, "Only Linden Lab Knows For Sure." Or do they even? they don´t seem to give anything about the issues and about informing ppl, who ask what´s going on. well, not completly, at least they close the issues...
  8. kingkong112 wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: So the question is has anyone filed a bug report on this? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4904 well, I was a bit lazy, when I did fill out the form, lol someone said there, that he heard that it is no bug, that it is programmed like this cause of landbots. then a Alexa Linden closed the issue without a comment. I´m not sure, but maybe she closed it cause it is a dublicate of a 2 years old unsolved issue, at least I cannot see a solution or official comment to the older issue: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-29236 is this normal for a bug report? and what r landbots and why r they dangerous in Zindra and not somewhere else?
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: So the question is has anyone filed a bug report on this? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4904 well, I was a bit lazy, when I did fill out the form, lol
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: The parcels are clearly for sale. They have the tell tale yellow of land that is set for sale on the map. If you go to the parcels the 'buy' option is clearly enabled. What is not appearing is the price tags on the map. exactly... and it´s quite frustrating to try to sell land in this area, where to many try to sell and the prices r somehow hidden: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oved%20Valley/160/229/289 after I got my land there from an auction, neighbours started to ask me, if I wanna buy their land...
  11. when I check the yellow parcels on other continents, I see the "$"-signs and can click them and get the size and price for the parcel without having to tp to them. not so in Zindra, in Zindra I have to tp to every parcel to get any infos. am I doing something wrong? another question: why is zindra not on my world maps? again, am I doing something wrong?
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