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Ronda Barbosa

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  1. (I have a broken link in my inventory for and object that is no copy and no mod and the object is missing, what does the broken link mean? and where did it come from? and what happened to my object?) Ronda Barbosa Thank you everyone for your reply to my issue above, the object was something I never rezzed on the ground, I only held and detached, yes I may of chosen delete instead of detach or drop, I have cleaned my cache, downloaded a different viewer and tried a different computer and still the object is gone, if LL absorbed it from my inventory they have not put something in it's place as far as I know, I did contact the creator but being that I was not the original person who bought this object they could not help me. The original person that purchased this object is no longer in SL and has deleted their account so I am out of luck. I filed and issue with Linden Labs to find out if they had taken the object but they told me that unless I buy their premium account they will not help me or talk to me about this issue. Best regards, Ronda Barbosa
  2. I got an email from Linden Labs stating "to reset your password click this link" I have never requested to reset my password, is this a scam or was someone trying to log in as me and Linden Labs sent me this email.
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