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  1. gachas are gambling, just as are lootboxes in mobile games. That's illegal according to the law of several countries LL operates in, and seriously frowned upon in many others. What surprises me is how it took them so long. Maybe they finally got a cease and desist letter from the EU.
  2. - avatar nudity is definitely allowed in M rated regions. - nude photos (imported porn pictures for example) are NOT allowed, screenshots are - sex is not allowed if the parcel is accessible to the public or the activity can be seen from outside the parcel (so set the appropriate checkbox off so others can't see you, and set the parcel to group access only or invite only). - you need to keep your Linden house in theme for the region, no putting up "privacy walls" and other disruptive and ugly structures. A few potted plants on the porch are ok.
  3. And of course he doesn't take into account that larger land owners possibly/likely already were getting discounted prices simply as a bulk discount. No clue what the discount would be, but a 10% discount for someone owning 100 full regions or 250 homesteads (for example) isn't something that in a normal business would be out of the ordinary. As to smaller estate agents, I've had my full of their shenanigans. Even if they're reliable in paying LL, they often end up making life a pain for their customers. More than once was I bullied off of my home parcel by a landlord/lady who wanted to raise prices and simply made life miserable for existing renters so they'd leave.
  4. A Linden Home exists on a 512 sq.m. parcel. That does not mean the house itself is 512 sq.m., as that size includes the terrace, and possibly other landscaping on the parcel. If you choose to not get a Linden Home, you can use your 512 allotment to cover the rent of a mainland parcel somewhere else (buy a mainland parcel, and it won't count towards your land budget), BUT you will not then get the benefits of having a house on that parcel that does not count towards your prim limit.
  5. Ariel Vuissent wrote: They aren't even violating the ageplay regulations, to your knowledge. Not the SL ageplay policy, anyway, which states that an avatar depicting a child may not engage in sexual roleplay or be near adult poseballs or content. As this is a general region, there should BE no adult poseballs; and you state that this avatar is, in fact, not depicting a minor but is clearly an adult. It may be a gray area, but unless you have proof of actual wrong-doing, your abuse report, should you file one, will likely be ignored. . indeed. And as it's his/her region if there were sexballs/furniture there (s)he, as the estate owner, would be the one in violation and subject to having the region closed...
  6. Vista are IMO the best complete AOs. Another store you might want to look at is Gaeline. They have both complete AOs and separate animations (and I think sets as well) to mix and match.
  7. HarrisonMcKenzie wrote: No. Do you want to know why I won't buy you an avatar? I won't buy you an avatar because you aren't trying. And because, once you start buying stuff for one random person, where do you stop? If I spend 900L$ on every avatar who asks/begs for money somewhere in a group, forum, ims, local chat, where ever, it rapidly gets very expensive...
  8. you can create accounts for them and have the home point set in your region. Most viewers can be configured to log in to the home point, which would bring the avatars in world at that spot. But unless, as stated, the accounts and region are set up specifically as such by Linden Lab, they will be able to go anywhere they want after that.
  9. There are a lot of people who won't go to G rated sims because many of them are exceedingly hostile towards visitors. There are also quite a few full time nudists who are simply barred from visiting any G rated sim by the TOS. And a lot of teen or child avatars have seriously annoying attitudes, which is why many people tend to avoid them.
  10. SL has >25000 regions. SL has roughly 35-65000 people logged in at any one time. About half those will not leave their private residences while logged in, which make up something like 10% of regions. Ergo there's about 25000 people at any time in public regions. So that's just over 1 on average per public region. Problem isn't so much too few people as too much land. But remember that land sales are what pays the bills
  11. pick up your stuff before abandoning the house, no lost stuff Spent several days myself refreshing the linden homes selection page before the one I wanted becoming available. Don't give up, eventually your dreamhouse will be up for grabs.
  12. most likely LL reclaimed both the parcels for being in violation of the land policy. They may even have suspended or removed the responsible account, if this was a repeat offense (they usually are).
  13. megaprims are nasty, high server impact, lag monsters. Just use regular prims, your neighbours and visitors will thank you. And if you're ever going to be using pathfinding pets (or other animated objects that use pathfinding) it's a lot easier to get them to work on regular prims than it is on megaprims.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: We do know Lindens log in to the Forum but as said, never answer. Our guess is that the Governance team is shorthanded unless they are just being slack on the job. Also they probably triage reports. It can be frustrating for us but some issues really are more important than others. Oh, and my name is Perrie, not Pierre. far more likely they, like many companies, have a policy to not comment publicly on their forums. Any Linden who showed his face here unless incognito would be bombarded with PMs demanding this, requesting that, and complaining about whatever. If he took the time to answer all of them he's have no time to do his real job, and even if he did people'd complain about it anyway. My guess is they read the forums, at least those things brought to their attention by moderators and maybe other trusted sources. And they may well respond, but on a personal basis, incognito.
  15. correct. Live chat can do wonders, especially if it's serious violations like this which can be described as griefing. Of course you don't know if those bots are registered as such (though if they are, why are they up on a platform well out of sight, rather than in the store showing the products on offer).
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