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  1. Hi, I was looking for shirts for one of my alts, and found a cool looking one that said “Aesthetic Skins Only.” How do I find out whether or not I have an aesthetic skin? And what would happen if I don’t, but tried to wear the shirt anyway? Thanks!
  2. I’d love to visit there someday, but until then it would at least be cool to explore virtually
  3. Sorry, meant to say “how common,” as in, does it sometimes feel like those kinds of sims are more predominant than they actually are? My own answer is that I mostly visit sims that represent a foreign location or different culture. So I feel if it weren’t for the destination guide highlights I see whenever I log in, it might seem like everyone is visiting them, when I know that really there are sims for plenty of other interests.
  4. And do you think that effects your perception of common that particular type of sim is?
  5. For me, Roy and his alts are like virtual dolls. I might change their clothes sometimes, but I don’t change their bodies. When I’ve wanted to try a different look I’ve created an Alt. But based on looking through the forums it seems many people like to change their whole main avi. So do you change yours, or not?
  6. Thanks! Checked out Kiyori via one of my alts. Definitely a cool-looking sim!
  7. Just read a blog entry by an American living in Korea, so now I'm hoping to explore some Korean sims!
  8. Would be cool to attend one virtually, when I can’t go to one in person.
  9. Chinese Island is meant to be interactive. There's a HUD you can use to communicate with NPCs in Mandarin characters in order to accomplish certain tasks.
  10. Looks cool! So that makes it a fan tribute to a sim that's a fan tribute to a game? : )
  11. How do I get to them from the initial teleport point in the subway station? I just spent a few minutes walking around Kiyori but could not get out of the Chinese and Japanese areas.
  12. Thanks everyone! For some reason I'm not getting notified of new responses.
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