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Alexa Edenflower

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  1. Hello, I am interested in using the paysafecard option to purchase lindens. https://gyazo.com/4887a78c0512ef70dc009dfa5e546572 I went to the proper area to make a purchase and clicked place order https://gyazo.com/21eaa18e73abbf3e339c7769d04f40ac It brought me to a page with payment option, but nothing is there for the paysafecard. I looked in the credit card, paypal and skrill and found nothing. https://gyazo.com/23e4beeab0f530de2749f666f8986e59 I would appreciate any assistance in finding the correct method to use the paysafecard. Thank you very much, Alexa
  2. Congratulations Krys!!!! Your picture is captivating. <3
  3. I have been uploading pictures to my profile for many years. The web tab "feed" tab displays so many pictures before having to click on the "more" botton on the bottom of the page to continue. Ever since the update to 4.7.3, that button is not there. Heya Alexa, I don't see a "More" button when viewing your feed in a web browser at https://my.secondlife.com/Alexa.Edenflower So I guess this is a web end bug, not a viewer bug. You can still access your older snapshot here for now: https://my.secondlife.com/Alexa.Edenflower/snapshots Lino Linden added a comment - 27/Aug/15 2:36 PMThe more button does not appear in the page listed by whirrly above. The more button needs to be added Alexa Edenflower added a comment - 28/Aug/15 12:10 PMThank you Whirly for the link to my pics! Lino, my fingers are crossed that the "more" button will be restored. I appreciate both of your assistance. Alexa Edenflower added a comment - 31/Oct/15 12:39 PMHello!! **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://jira.secondlife.com/images/icons/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle" /> I have to admit I am unclear as to whether or not the "more" button will restored. This............I don't see a "More" button when viewing your feed in a web browser at https://my.secondlife.com/Alexa.Edenflower So I guess this is a web end bug, not a viewer bug. ...........I'm not clear on what a web end bug is. So I suppose my question is, is...........Can I expect this to be resolved? **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://jira.secondlife.com/images/icons/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle" />))) Thank you, Alexa Whirly Fizzle added a comment - 01/Nov/15 10:29 PM - editedHeya Alexa, This JIRA issue got "Accepted" & imported which means a Linden verified that it's a bug. I do not know if your issue is in a queue to get fixed though, a Linden can hopefully answer that. Some other people I know who had the "More" button disappear from their feed managed to fix it by making some new posts and sending new snapshots to their feed, which popped back the more button, so it's worth a try doing that. There have only been 2 posts in the last 2 months on your feed. Alexa Edenflower added a comment - 19/Nov/15 11:44 AMHiya Whirly! I was hoping and had my fingers crossed that my issue would have been resolved with the latest FS update to no avail. I also tried your suggestion by adding some new snapshots, but unfortunately that didn't resolve it either. I appreciate your attention and suggestions and just hope that someday my "more" button makes a comeback **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://jira.secondlife.com/images/icons/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle" />) Whirly Fizzle added a comment - 19/Nov/15 11:58 AMHmm, I don't see any new snapshots at all on your profile feed. The last entry was 3 months ago: https://my.secondlife.com/Alexa.Edenflower. This isn't something that be fixed in the viewer, your More button is missing on the web page at https://my.secondlife.com/Alexa.Edenflower. All the viewers do is display the web page content within the viewer profile window, if its broken on the web page it will be broken in all viewers too. Have you tried contacting LL support to see if they can fix your broken More button? https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ I'm not sure why you problem isn't fixed - others have reported the missing More button and they have been fixed. Alexa Edenflower added a comment - 19/Nov/15 12:12 PMHi Whirly, Thank you for doing a few tests, I see them on my web page. I am able to view some of the pics, not sure why you can't. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://jira.secondlife.com/images/icons/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle" /> I haven't contacted LL support and didn't know where to start, so your link is great!! I'll keep you posted smiles
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