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  1. Well as in the subject line. I even managed to make the pole flap when I added the script to the flag after having linked the couple. If I add it previously then the flag waves all over and cannot make it linked. I'll be trying while you'll be answering.
  2. I found it later in inventory yet still cannot rezz it. Maybe in some other conjuncture.
  3. I believe I lost it after all but then again I bought another one similar but not gacha. It was a question of a hundred linden. If I find the first one I'll have a couple. Always alternatives in sl. So nice everything here :)
  4. Hello I bought a gacha item and when rezzing it, it disappeared. I made an area search and it appears in distance one and five meters from my avatar the box and the item separately. It is a wearable item and I should have not tried to rezz it. Now my options in the area search menu are script info, touch, teleport, sit, zoom, inspect, edit, return, black list, buy, delete. With edit I located the item in my room existing although invisible. How shall I retrieve it? I need an option wear or add if I select return it eventually enter again my inventory and from there I shall select add? Or it will be lost for ever?
  5. 'Candide is considered Voltaire’s signature work, and it is here that he levels his sharpest criticism against nobility, philosophy, the church, and cruelty' I quote from the internet. Under this light maybe one should ask for forgiveness -or even NOT ask for it- when he proposes changes. Generally speaking. I think though Pangloss did not know anything about sl. So I expressed my feelings about sl independently of above agenda. I said nothing should be changed in sl as far as it concerns me. It is subjective and others are not urged to agree with me. P.S. I will not reply further, I must decorate for Christmas -I mean my sl house.
  6. Well, Candide is about the real world. SL is the iconic one. P.S.: Maybe this is an ambiguity of wording. In my mother tongue εικονικός means virtual. So what I meant really was 'in this ideal virtual world' that is the sl. But iconic goes alright too except that one should not by mistake think it is said about rl. I myself did not mean it, or it might be ironic.
  7. Why bother to change a thing since one can find everything he likes in sl? Just ignore all the rest. Thus there is room for everything and everyone in this ideal iconic world https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=34ac093450c06a7aJmltdHM9MTcwMTEyOTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0zNDE4N2IwNS0wNTJjLTY1NmUtMzNhZS02OGQ1MDQzMDY0ZTAmaW5zaWQ9NTUwMg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=34187b05-052c-656e-33ae-68d5043064e0&u=a1L3ZpZGVvcy9yaXZlcnZpZXcvcmVsYXRlZHZpZGVvP3E9Y2hyaXN0bWFzK211c2ljJm1pZD0xQThFNzFGRDlBOEQyMTI2Q0FBMTFBOEU3MUZEOUE4RDIxMjZDQUExJkZPUk09VklSRQ&ntb=1 Merry Christmas earth !
  8. I remember when at first I entered sl around 2015, I surfed by sites where there were museums of contemporary art, usually paintings made by residents and at times there were beautiful things. In private houses there were no art paintings instead personal photographs most of the time. My favorite hobby was to make paintings (design the frame, choose a painting of a deceased master for to avoid the copyright laws) and thus decorate my own house in sl in a way that I could not as a matter of fact do in real life:) Recently I saw this trend (classic paintings) all over sl, more often than seldom. I presume that when talking about art sites one does not mean sites where masterpieces are exhibited nor even art museums, but sites made with excellent aesthetic skills as per the sl means and rules. Nevertheless this thread reminded me the first years in sl when nobody seemed to have thought to reproduce classic paintings in order to decorate homes buildings and same. (Even now when searching in second life marketplace for classic paintings there are a few items, e.g. Michelangelo and Bouguereau, and I believe that the copyright is not an issue). P.S. Have not the time to read the whole thread, perhaps if I could I should have understood better its subject,)
  9. on the other hand constellations are also found on the seabed :) (my animal avatars)
  10. For some time now I feel a pain along my thighs whenever I feel sad. Lately it has become more permanent. It's like stitches or stabs and walking is not very steady. I'm going to be examined today.
  11. During my first three months in sl without paying details where I did not speak to anyone and was very happy, I visited a field somewhere and there existed transparent bubbles where one could sit on and travel high in the sky. I did not pay anything anywhere then... It is a so precious memory.
  12. known electromagnetic experiments prove remote CONVEY
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