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  1. WordenR

    Missing Snapshots

    Thank you for answering my question, I will definitely save to my PC from now on!
  2. WordenR

    Missing Snapshots

    So I can assume that the snapshots are lost?
  3. WordenR

    Missing Snapshots

    So I can assume that the snapshots are most likely lost?
  4. WordenR

    Missing Snapshots

    Thank you Madelaine, my issue is that after taking a snapshot I clicked 'save to Flickr' in the save options while there was no Flickr account linked to my Second Life account. The software appeared to save the pictures somewhere, but they aren't in my Flickr account. Is there a snapshot history or archive I can access?
  5. Help! I saved snapshots to Flickr before connecting SL to my Flickr account. Can I get the pics back?
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