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  1. Yes it mentions: Thank you for purchasing my first adult item! This is a sculpted horse **bleep**. /1 erect makes you hard /1 soft makes you limp /1 semi makes half of it disappear so you don't no-clip through someone's spine. /1 **bleep** makes you spurt /1 stop lets you finish /1 show shows the **bleep**, which may lead to a glitch. /1 hide hides it, which may also lead to a glitch. Important: There's a glitch where the dick displays all versions of itself at once. To fix this, cycle through the states (erect, soft, semi) and it should be fixed. But enywhere I was i put in locla chat /1 and nothing happends, do you know a place where I can use this /1
  2. I bought this Horse **bleep** (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Horse-**bleep**/3211899) and the problem is I don't know how to put it in another position, or use it, or activate it, or whatever it is pls give me some detailet answers, and photos would be nice . . . sometimes I'm embarrassed to say that I don't understand so I say I do and suffer . . .
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