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  1. I wonder what happens if you save chat history to a new pc and go back to the first without changing settings? Can chat logs be saved on another pc than the one you are currently logged into when the settings were set to the other pc? Maybe my question is silly, I just want to know if its possible for chats to go to another pc
  2. Thanks for reply There are no bad motives on my part and not about advertising either.
  3. I wanted to know if there is a way to search on a word and get hits on profiles that has that word in them. With that I mean that for example if I want to know if a person's name is mentioned in someone else profiles, if I could search the name and the other profiles turn up? Is there a way to do this? Sorry if Im posting thsi in the wrong tab
  4. Haha, the puppy eyes was just a silly example really. Don't take it too seriously. But it's interesting how even small things can have an effect on how other percieve us.
  5. I have noticed with different kinds of looks people treat you differently. And by that I don't just mean the more obvious differences, like a human and a furry. Ive noticed height and hair color have a thing to say here even if all else remain the same.. That also makes me think. For those of you that have/have had longer romantic relationships in SL, is it easier to keep the feelings strong if that other person doesn't change their avi a lot (except changes that could easily be done in RL, like clothes)? I love to play around with different looks and hairs. So all sorts of thoughts come up in relation to that, for example when you feel you need extra big puppy eyes to make your partner forgive you for something, then having bigger eyes for your avi would be good? hehe And would the strong feelings you have for someone be lessened if that someone made a less physically appealing avi? Yes, I know sl is sl and only pixels, but still.. our brains probably react to it anyway.
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