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Yhishara Cerise

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  1. I don't think so. I looked into the avatar name in world and there are two of them - and one with numbers after the name. If I create an alt it's always with a name with no numbers. So I don't think that particular avatar is mine but it is concerning that it was my email address.
  2. I don't often check the email associated with my SL account but today I did and found this... It's just so sad when even Linden Labs can't get ones name right - For the record - it's Y-HI-SHA-RA. Next year - I expect presents and something chocolate...
  3. I don't expect anyone I message in the real world or in Second Life to respond back immediately. In Second Life, sure, the avatar might be right there in front of me but I don't see the person running the avatar. Same goes in the real world. I find it's only rude when I am actually standing with the physical person and I am talking to them and they aren't responding. It's all so randomized - I never know when someone is going to send me an IM so how can I plan to be at the keyboard to respond to it? So if I decide to leave my avatar on and go to the grocery store, play with the cat, take a nap, clean the kitchen or make a phone call during a quiet moment, people shouldn't get upset. It would be hypocritical of me to get upset at others for doing the same thing.
  4. What if people only have the time to log in to Second Life on the one day they choose to do this? They have thousands of residents all logging in at times when they are able to because they already have full busy real life schedules. There are games that bring the servers down for maintenance and that sometimes means people have to reschedule their plans and that's okay once in a while. If it's a regular thing they will simply find something else to do for their personal downtime. I don't know though - I guess I just figure that companies like Linden Labs shouldn't be playing the role of counsellor, police, and moral compass for our real lives. When in world - sure they can govern things like our conduct but I think it crosses a line when they say "You can only be logged in for this long and then we are cutting you off out of concern for your well being." To me that just comes across as fake. They aren't really concerned about our mental or physical wellbeing. That concern is OUR responsibility not theirs.
  5. Linden Labs sunsetting SL fills me with a cold dread. BUT it won't be the first time an online world I enjoyed being a part of folded and even though I have spent probably far more money than I should have - I enjoyed my time here. So that's what I have learned: even if it ends - i will have some good memories and that's probably all we really should try to hold onto.
  6. ANC was one gacha machine I wouldn't play. I was looking for one rare and the odds of getting it were ridiculous. After spending far more than the item was worth, I vowed never to play their machines again. That taught me a valuable lesson. I may really like gachas but sometimes playing them for the prizes that are in them just isn't worth the cost. I suppose the good thing is that I am probably not in danger of being addicted to gambling because I know when to just walk away lol
  7. They wouldn't be tradeable. I would much rather buy from the creator too.
  8. I agree with this. If the anti gacha laws started in - I want to say Belgium - but I could be wrong - then as a company that has an international reach then the legal team for Linden Labs should have been telling them, "We can't do that because we have an international base and in some places this is illegal and other countries are looking into the legalities of it as well." Then they could have banned them a long time ago. Or they could have taken a 'wait and see' approach to see how many companies were okay with it and then took it from there. But they let it go to far when they should have proceeded with caution and said no a long time ago. Then we wouldn't be dealing with this today.
  9. I have to admit your post confuses me. When Purplemoon was open Poulet released fantasy items as well as regular releases and people raved about all of it. the same goes for Izzie's who released fun little items along with the skins, makeups and cosmetic enhancements. I guess it just confuses me that if someone likes a creators work and the creator wants to branch out a bit, I think their customers would look at it as a bit of fun and be into it. If they really don't like it they won't buy but that shouldn't stop a creator from building and releasing what they want. That's just sad. They have to have fun in SL too. I do agree with the sentiment about people putting things into gachas that shouldn't be gachas. I hated the hair ones. Or the ones where it was one item but 15 colors. Just release one item and have a texture change HUD. Or release items that go with that one item (like if it was a car release other stuff to go with it).
  10. Very well thought out post but I disagree with the statement above: Just because you have a wait time rather than instant doesn't change that the outcome isn't known at the time of payment. You might have some idea (like looking at a gacha key) but it doesn't guarantee that's what you are going to get.
  11. I asked the same question. If your question hasn't been answered yet, from what people told me here they now offer a preview so you can see the items included in the pack at the time of purchase.
  12. Gachas to me were/are a bit different because of how they were introduced. The goal of it is to complete a themed collection. And people were willing to do that when it came to them (as evidenced by the amount selling "FULL PACK PLUS RARE!'s" on the Marketplace. So you're right - while people would balk at the price of a normal item being sold that way the items in gachas were viewed a bit differently because it was accepted that the full set would come at a higher price. And that's what this event would be based on: selling full sets of things. If a person hates fatpacks then this event probably wouldn't be for them but many might be interested. And as for return on investment, the people that would spend the money on gachas probably have a higher likelihood of going to this event as well. Unless of course it was just resellers. We have never had an event of this nature before and at worst it falls flat, at best it becomes a success for those that love gacha collections.
  13. I agree that we need to adapt to this change and not try to just recreate something that will only lead to the same problems. So perhaps we need a new event model instead. When I went to The Epiphany today there were several vendors that had an option to buy the fatpack of the gacha items and they included everything (including VIP rewards and exclusives). So what if a new event featured only full collections and nothing sold as individual items? People would know going in that it's going to be pricey but, to be fair, so are gacha events and people seem to flock to them. I know for myself if I like the collection or creator enough, the fatpack option is a great thing. If it was a gacha then I would play until I got all the pieces I wanted or the whole thing. And if it was a straight purchase having the option just saved me from having to choose which colour/items I wanted most - especially if i liked it all. I know some people would protest and say "But I don't want the whole thing!" But we run into that issue now as well so it wouldn't really change anything. The creators would have control over how many items they include in each pack as well: If they have a collection of 20 pieces they could break that down into smaller packs based on things like item type or colour or they could just set up the whole set as one purchase. The only stipulation for the event to qualify is that nothing can be sold as a single colour or item.
  14. Beatrice Serendipity. She and Warm Clarity created the Ghee brand name some years ago but before that she was a very popular model. The amazing woman behind that avatar passed away a few weeks ago. https://www.facebook.com/bea.serendipity Before that it was Bitch2Hunt4. She worked for Carrie's Lingerie and was one of the sweetest people ever to log in to Second Life.
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