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  1. Despite what many of these people have said, there are a lot of different kinds of PvP in the game that are enjoyable to some people, and not to others. I personally love the SLMC (Second Life Military Combat) Different Militaries purchase a sim, and fight each other in semi-organized death matches. They can be fun, but it's certainly not perfect.
  2. Just curious to see what everyone would do! EDIT; 150,000 now because apparenlty 50,000 is less than I thought x.x
  3. Message me in-world I think I can probably help out =3
  4. I have the entire collection, I was hoping someone would be able to give me an update, on the current going rate for the entire set.
  5. Can anyone help me out? I've managed to collect them, and I'm wondering if I can get an estimate on the complete collection.
  6. Check out Razor! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/115474 I bet this store will have plenty of stuff you'll love!
  7. Oh my gosh, no.. but I need too >.< It's soooooo bad...
  8. Send me a message if you want :3 I'm always looking for new friends! I'll be online today sometime after about 4 PM SLT! I love to do all sorts of stuff, but I can never really decide what to do.. Hope you've got some good ideas =o
  9. Today was a great morning, I found both of my old teen SL accounts, and they got ported over to real SL! I came back about a year ago and started playing again, but I had to make a new account.. As soon as I logged in to my original account this morning, the wave of nostalgia was intense.. xP
  10. I'm in no way shape or form, a builder at all.. but if what I think to be your problem really is.. I think you could easily solve your problem, by going into the edit options of the build menu.. and using the position options. (Right click the object in question, and go to the "Object" tab. Then go to "Position" section, and you can position and "align" that way.)
  11. Let me post an update. I switched to Singularity Viewer for a while, and it had the option to raise the limit to 10,000. It was a VERY noticeable improvement. Why can't I do this on firestorm? I love firestorm, but singularity's 10,000 option was much better, as well as the viewer being more lightweight. (I'm fine with the firestorm being a (For lack of a better word) heavier viewer, but this simple limit seems to be very restricting.
  12. Just curious to see if anyne else here plays Neopets.. If your loooking for a new friend, you can add me. Lidorajaka
  13. If you need any more info, I'd love to hear it! Or if you have any suggestions as to lowering the amount of lag I get, I would love to hear it!
  14. Is this possible? I am using Firestorm and I can't raise my Bandwidth limit past 3000. I have a much faster internet connection, but I can't use it because of the limit in game. Anyone able to help? Thanks for taking the time to look at, and read my thread!! Hope you can help :3
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