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  1. Subject. I am looking for non-profit 3D modeler. Skill level don't care. I'am scripter,. my store. Details on email: iscopics@gmail.com or inworld: Iscopics Resident.
  2.  Anybody have solution? Files is .png
  3. Via Mozzila. 1. Visit Second Life Wiki Search Page. 2. Click on loupe and select "Add Second Life Wiki (en)". 3. Optional. You may make search on Second Life Wiki by default .
  4. I have an issue, firestorm says to me that "Script not in database", i try to relog but it didn't help; It's happens when i try editing my own script, and only for him. New script working and loading properly.
  5. Hello. I am noob to, but i will try to help you anyway. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: I have a few question first one, notecard destanation, and second one,HTTP Request will be using for? Example for notecard giving, it may help. http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llGiveInventory
  6. Thanks Ron, i will made the changes.
  7. Hello, world. Please critique my frist attempt to scripting in Secod Life. // Donation Jar Script. // Created by SIMPLE SCRIPT STUFF. // version alpha. // VARIABLES string topMessage = "Please donate to us. \n Thanks"; // <--- CHANGE THIS MESSSAGE TO CHANGE llSetText MESSAGE. // WARNING!!! // DONATIONS VALUES SAVE DON'T WORK, IT MEANS WHEN YOUR OBJECT STATE CHANGE (MOVES TO OTHER REGION, OR TO YOUR INVENTORY SCRIPT RESET. integer totalDonation = 0; integer largestDonation = 0; list payPrice = [10,20,30,40]; // <--- PLEASE CHANGE THIS VALUES TO SET PAY PRICE. // DIALOG - UNDER DEVELOPMENT integer CHANNEL = 42; list MENU_MAIN = ["OPTIONS", "ABOUT" ,"EXIT"]; list MENU_OPTIONS = ["Change Values", "EXIT"]; list MENU_ABOUT = ["EXIT"]; // OPTIONS - UNDER DEVELOPMENT default { on_rez(integer start_param) { llSetText("",<0,0,0>,0); totalDonation = 0; } state_entry() { llListen(CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), ""); // DIALOG APPEARS ONLY WHEN OWNER TOUCH OBJECT } touch_start(integer x) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "What do you want, owner?", MENU_MAIN, CHANNEL); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (llListFindList(MENU_MAIN + MENU_OPTIONS + MENU_ABOUT, [message]) != -1) { if (message == "OPTIONS") llDialog(id, "OPTIONS DIALOG", MENU_OPTIONS, CHANNEL); else if (message == "ABOUT") llDialog(id, "TODO : ABOUT" , MENU_ABOUT, CHANNEL); // TODO! else if (message == "EXIT") llOwnerSay("Good bye " + llKey2Name(id) + "!"); } } money(key giver, integer amount) { if(amount > largestDonation) largestDonation = amount; totalDonation = totalDonation + amount; string donationText = topMessage + "\n" + "Last Donation by: " + llKey2Name(giver) + "." + " Amount: " + " L$" + (string)amount + " \nTotal Donation: " + (string)totalDonation + " L$" + "\n Largest Donation: " + (string)largestDonation + "L$"; string whisperMessage = "Thanks for donation " + llKey2Name(giver) + "!!!"; llWhisper(0, whisperMessage); llSetText(donationText, <1,0,0>, 4.0); } }
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