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  1. @ Alwin Alcott @Tazzie Tuque I didn't expect many replies or any at all since the fashion forum doesn't seem as active as it use to be. But thanks for the replies, I appreciate it. Seems like I don't have much choice and I agree with both of you when you say they can be unattractive and very easy to spot when someone wears them. Despite the jaggedness of the LL heads at least we have more room to make them feel more personal/unique. Looks like I'll be sticking with the LL ones for now. Just like real life, the females get so much more variety and choices in fashion! Sadface. I'll send some reps your ways.
  2. Hey, I'll try to keep this very blunt and concise as possible... The point of this thread is just to ask other males, or anyone really..if they have any favorites or bias towards male mesh heads as I'm not finding many of them.. __ I mod non human fantasy characters for majority of my time on SecondLife, so I'm very unaware of normal human fashion, especially mesh heads since they recently came about. I'm attempting to make a masculine fellow (I'll post a quick snapshot at the bottom of this post for a rough idea.) And I'm still playing with his style as seen with the demo skin/hair..but I personally don't like the jagged and roughness of the LL heads so I'm strongly aiming for a mesh one.. I'm familiar with these mesh heads so far..(The ones that are customizable) [GA.EG] TMP (The Mesh Project) CATWA HEAD JACKSON SAMURAI And the default one that's included with the mesh body I use, Niramyths Aesthetic. But to be perfectly honest, a lot of them only sell light complexion skins.. And not to feel like a total mooch.. heres a fairly good male fashion blog that's probably my all time favorite http://malefashionfeed.info/ but not much luck in terms of searching for mesh heads. So..do you guys have any favorite male mesh heads or are you still rocking the LL heads? 
  3. Even new to the SL forum so I have no idea if multi-quoting is supported..agh. @ Rolig Loon @ Freya Mokusei Read through the wiki and some basic tutorials, I do know they must be in the same region(edit: I mean area/sim/place, not too familiar with the terminology.) for it to work, this script would only be used by people in the same area...both suggestions work the way I want it..thank you both. If SL forums have a rep system I'll send some reps both your ways. Thanks again! default{state_entry(){llPreloadSound("");}on_rez(integer start_param){llResetScript();}touch_start(integer total_number){integer i;for (i = 0;i < total_number;i += 1){llPlaySound("", 0.4);string origName = llGetObjectName();string owner;owner = llGetDisplayName( llGetOwner() );owner = llList2String( llParseString2List( owner, [" "], [] ), 0 );string avName;avName = llGetDisplayName(llDetectedKey(i));avName = llList2String( llParseString2List( avName, [" "], [] ), 0 );llSetObjectName( avName );llSay(0, "/me kisses " + owner + "'s Nose.");llSetObjectName( origName );}}}
  4. Hallo, Completely new to scripting and only started glancing through it after 3 years of SecondLife..and I'm having a little trouble.. Experimenting with a nose kissing script that was a full perm script I came across and edited it to what little I know of..and simply I'm trying to get it so it shows display names instead of legacy names..I have it to show the display name of the owner, but not the recipient who clicks on it. I've fiddled around but keep getting a lot of errors..I know I'll look so bad to experienced scripters lol..but any help is appreciated. default { state_entry() { llPreloadSound(""); } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer i; for (i = 0;i < total_number;i += 1) { llPlaySound("", 0.4); string origName = llGetObjectName(); string owner; owner = llGetDisplayName( llGetOwner() ); owner = llList2String( llParseString2List( owner, [" "], [] ), 0 ); string avName; avName = llDetectedName(i); avName = llList2String( llParseString2List( avName, [" "], [] ), 0 ); llSetObjectName( avName ); llSay(0, "/me kisses " + owner + "'s Nose."); llSetObjectName( origName ); } } } Edit: Solution is below..sent some Kudos out..thank you all who helped~
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