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Shades Babad

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  1. Anytime, and my original post had a type it should have read "Bids Start at 22,500 and does not include transfer fee"
  2. That is why the bids start at 22,500, which is way under...... but thanks for stating the obvious.... must be a super power lol
  3. 2 Options - This will be ready for transfer on July 12th Option 1 - The region can be wiped clean and sold/transferred - Bidding Can Start Now as I stated the sim will be ready to transfer on the 12th - Bids Start at 22,500and include transfer fee Option 2 - The Sim can keep the existing Urban role play build that is on the sim. The build was built in the sky and everyone loves the lack of lag. The build uses newer buildings and road systems. It has about 50 rental units built into the city. Buyer would need to set up their own rental system - This option brings on an additional 50k Linden cost above and beyond the purchase price - So for this the bids would start at 72,500 To See the region - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deviant%20Minds/186/212/26 To View the Current Build - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deviant%20Minds/191/19/1488 Note: The items would be left by me, however, ownership would not be transferred. Obviously as the region owner you would be free to return items as you wish. Please IM me with any bids - Bidding will close on the 12th
  4. ItHadToComeToThis I have been trying to access the land store for a bit now, is there a new link?
  5. no this is the forum to purchase them "If you're looking to purchase or rent a full region. "
  6. So I have a project I am working on that has a function that will show the location of the object in world. The url is successfully stored into the database and I can pull the url back in. The issue I am having is that the url is broken as soon as a space is found in it. So rather then a functional link coming back into SL. I am getting output in second life that allows only the first word of the url to be clicked, obviously making the rest of the address useless. So for example Dreamers Isle/216/30/22 is cut back to Dreamers in regards to a functional link.
  7. Thank you, I do always use llOwnerSay() to be sure it is progressing as needed. This was chalked up to a typo on my end Ok so I have the code is somewhat working. Your code is great, I do get a dialogue box showing the names. The issue is, it seems to be populating it late, so it populates it if I click it a second time. So something in the menu code I am using is going at the wrong position. float fInterval = 1.0; integer iHandle; integer iScannerChannel = 10978; list lUUIDs; list lNames; string strChallenge = "marco"; string strResponse = "Found Me!"; // Code For Menu Nav integer channel = -900; integer listen_handle; list order_buttons(list buttons) { return llList2List(buttons, -3, -1) + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4) + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7) + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10); } integer menuindex; DialogPlus(key avatar, string message, list buttons, integer channel, integer CurMenu) { if (12 < llGetListLength(buttons)) { list lbut = buttons; list Nbuttons = []; if(CurMenu == -1) { CurMenu = 0; menuindex = 0; } if((Nbuttons = (llList2List(buttons, (CurMenu * 10), ((CurMenu * 10) + 9)) + ["Back", "Next"])) == ["Back", "Next"]) DialogPlus(avatar, message, lbut, channel, menuindex = 0); else llDialog(avatar, message, order_buttons(Nbuttons), channel); } else llDialog(avatar, message, order_buttons(buttons), channel); } // Menu Nav End default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { //Menu Code key owner = llGetOwner(); // We set a listen for only the owner // So this script assumes the object will only be touched by the owner listen_handle = llListen(channel, "", owner, ""); // Touch_Start we issue menuindex as 0 inside of the function itself DialogPlus(owner, "Select an Option", lNames, channel, menuindex = 0); //Menu Code llListenRemove(iHandle);//close any open listener lUUIDs = [];//clear old lists from previous scans lNames = []; iHandle = llListen(iScannerChannel,"","",strResponse); llSay(iScannerChannel,strChallenge); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llSetTimerEvent(fInterval); key k = llGetOwnerKey(id);//get the uuid of the responding object's owner lUUIDs += [k];//and add it to list lUUIDs lNames += [llGetDisplayName(k)];//and add the owner's name to lNames //this means that the two lists, uuids and names, are in lockstep order. You will find this helpful when creating the menu and then using the replies //More Menu Code // We need a listen for the dialog itself, but as well as the Back/Next button. key owner = llGetOwner(); // If they clicked Next it will go to the next dialog window if(message == "Next") { // ++menuindex will turn menuindex plus 1, making it give the next page. DialogPlus(owner, "Select an Option", lNames, channel, ++menuindex); } // if they clicked back it will go to the last dialog window. else if(message == "Back") DialogPlus(owner, "Select an Option", lNames, channel, --menuindex); // --menuindex will turn menuindex minus 1, making it give the previous page. // If they choose anything besides Back/Next it will be in this section else { // Be Safe llListenRemove(listen_handle); //Example used, change to whatever you wish. llSay(0, "Your choice was " + message); } // More Menu code } timer()//will fire after hearing nothing for fInterval seconds { llSetTimerEvent(0.0);//turn off the timer llListenRemove(iHandle); //now construct a menu, start listening on a dialog channel and present the user with a dialog menu integer i; integer length = llGetListLength(lNames); do llOwnerSay(llList2String(lNames, i) ); while(++i < length); } }
  8. Ok clearly I am doing something wrong. The following code never seems to fire. timer()//will fire after hearing nothing for fInterval seconds { llSetTimerEvent(0.0);//turn off the timer llListenRemove(iHandle); //now construct a menu, start listening on a dialog channel and present the user with a dialog menu }
  9. Thank you, waiting for SL to let me back in to try this out.
  10. Innula, much neater code. I will test it when I get in from work.
  11. So far what I have is very basic. One object sends out the request on a hidden channel. default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llSay(10978, "marco"); } } The other object listens for that request, I know this is very basic and rough to say the very least. The object then spits out the UUID in local chat, which I plan to change to a hidden channel. The ideal is to make a dialogue box that is populated with the name of each avatar wearing the attachment, in order to be selected. So as for how I have been trying it, sloppy so far. Any help is appreciated default { state_entry() { llListen(10978,"", NULL_KEY, ""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (message == "marco") { key uuid = llGetOwnerKey(id); string name = llKey2Name(id); string detectedName = llDetectedName(0); string owner = llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_OWNER]), 0); // speak out loud! llSay(0,"Found Me"); key id = llDetectedKey(0); list details = llGetObjectDetails(id, ([OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_DESC, OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT, OBJECT_VELOCITY, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_GROUP, OBJECT_CREATOR])); llOwnerSay(llGetObjectName()+" Owner ID: "+ owner +llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_OWNER]), 0)); } } }
  12. I have a script that will scan all nearby avatars and shows them in a dialogue box allowing them to be selected. I have search and came up empty handed for a method to limit the results to avatars that are wearing a specific attachment. I am thinking the best way to try to handle this is to have the worn attachment to have an open listen, and the scanner send out a signal and if it gets a response that person is listed, if not they are left out of the results. However, all my attempts have failed. So I wanted to check with the experts
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