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Georg Stonewall

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  1. I am not so sure anymore if customers really want a choice. We were selling only mod/trans outfits for more then 3 years. We was known for that and never really had a complain about it. However as of all the discussions about this topic, 4 month ago we created a vendor system that gives customers the option to buy mod/trans or mod/copy. We also included the option to send an outfit as a gift and to re-deliver lost copyable items. We was sure that from now on we would have very happy customers out of both factions. But the reality is, now we get complains that it is too confusing to buy an outfit in our store. Instead of growing sales the sales and the traffic dropped. We are not sure if this has to do with our vendors or if it is a SL issue, but I am wondering if we go back to our old system and only sell mod/trans items again.
  2. Here is a tutorial how to work with notecards http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-notecards/ta-p/700057 I hope that helps
  3. Da hört sich ja komisch an und hab ich so auch noch nie gehört. Dann hilft wohl nur ein Ticket an LL. Wenn du mal andere Viewer probieren möchtest dann gibt es hier eine Liste: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Trotzdem noch viel Spaß und schönen Abend
  4. Da scheint dann aber ein grundlegendes Problem bei dir vorzuliegen. Bist du eventuell über ein WLAN im Internet? Öffne doch mal mit CTRL - SHIFT - 1 die Statistik und check mal dein "Ping Sim" und "Packet Loss". Ping sim sollte nicht viel höher als 200 sein und Packet Loss sollte 0.0 sein.
  5. Hi Lynodie, also wenn du die Sachen angenommen hast dann müssen sie auch da sein, der Viewer sollte keine Problem damit haben. Hast du schon mal in deinem Inventory unter "recent items" geschaut? Dort kannst du den Filter so setzen, dass er z.B. alle neuen Teile der letzten zwei Tage anzeigt. Standard Einstellung ist "seit dem letzten Login", du musst den Filter also erst einstellen.
  6. I am glad I did :matte-motes-smile: The logic is very easy. Every time you call the llDialog you bring up your pop up menu. Every time you click a button on the menu the script run into the listen event. So if you need another menu you have to do it here (as you already did with your sub menus) as when the listen event is processed the script is waiting for the next click.
  7. I am not sure if I understand your problem, but for what i understand this should make the trick else if (menu == 1) //if menu equals 1, number is chosen { vnumber = message; llOwnerSay(vnumber + " has been clicked"); menu = 0; //show main menu, called Main llDialog(id, "Click on button to change number or distance", Main, 10); } else if (menu == 2) //if menu equals 2, distance is chosen { vdistance = message; llOwnerSay(message + " has been clicked"); menu = 0; //show main menu, called Main llDialog(id, "Click on button to change number or distance", Main, 10); }
  8. The previous speaker are right, it's easy to destroy a prim attachment when modifying it, but that is not really a big deal. We sell transfer/no copy for over 4 years now and if someone has messed up with a prim then they sent it back to us and we replaced it. Also I don't see a danger that secondhand shops can affect our business. We see it as free advertising when people give away our outfits. However if someone ask for a copy version then they get one. The same should be possible for you too, have you ever asked for a transfer version in one of the shops, i guess the most creator would do one for you.
  9. Ansariel Hiller wrote: Camping ist nämlich seit einiger Zeit verboten! Deine Aussage ist meines Wissens nach nicht ganz richtig. Camping ist nicht generell verboten. Es ist verboten Traffic mit camping zu erzeugen. In dem Fall von Alcor hast du wohl recht, da ja die Stühle entsorgt wurden.
  10. I reckon this is what you are looking for: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Answers/qac-p/Answers
  11. Ann Otoole wrote: I don't care about post counts or any points system or any forum ranks. You guys have fun. You deserve a kudos for this answer. Really pointless system.
  12. Toysoldier Thor wrote: I wasnt asking for continued help - although it was nice that tatiana provided me the link the basic limited Beta web site to the new search and I i tried the limited features that it had. But without the V2 it seems the beta site is limited to GENERAL so that pretty much ended my quick look. I wasnt looking for help - I just was making a statement that since LL was "trying" to fix the long standing disaster of inworld search for only V2 viewers... I have little interest in how well the new search will work for ME. As long as when some time in the future a better version of inworld search for ALL VIEWERS will make it easier for my customers to find my store and products and shift their buying habbits to buy more from inworld than my SLM. From the little I saw, I dont think this new search will help but moreso because most SL residents that are shopping for products have long since given up finding products via inworld search. And that the new search does not even have a major search category of SEARCH FOR INWORLD MARKETPLACE ITEMS is a telling sign that this will continue to make inworld search a poor alternative to SLM Search when looking for products inworld. I wonder where you get your knowledge from. We do surveys from time to time and many people are coming to our shop over the inworld search. And beside that you should read the other posts, I told you I found your shop without problems in the beta search.
  13. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Georg Stonewall wrote: Ai Velde wrote: Some of these posts already, I can't even believe. lol. At this point after begging for something, anything to be changed with search, we should shut up and sit down. I'm not an LL cheerleader, but ANY improvements on search, or any ATTEMPTS to improve search should at least be looked into rather than being blown off by saying call me when you support it for my viewer. 3rd party viewers can support the new search once it's rolled out if they choose to, it's not up to LL. You guys know better. Where's the big obnoxious eyerolling smiley for me to use? I'd understand if V2 holds a knife to your throat and threatens to decapitate your mother, but why can't you test it out? I don't enjoy using V2 but I'm still playing with the new search stuff. So far V2 has not decapitated my mother. I know some of you are very hard to please but it wouldn't hurt you to at least give it a shot, especially if you've been one of the people screaming till you're blue in the face for something, anything towards improving search. After years of being cheesed off, at least go "Hey, thanks for trying!" even if it's not exactly what you want, and then offer suggestions for things it may be lacking. Easy! lol. -- To set example, thank you LL for trying to improve search even if it still doesn't suit some peoples' needs. I like to think we all understand that this is still in beta and you may be accepting intelligent and thoughtful suggestions for improvements. Personally, I think the new search is looking fantastic with amazing potential to lessen the stress and burden amongst the members, and I'm very excited for when it comes out of beta. Wow! I didn't spontaneously combust for realizing someone is trying to improve search. The world is still intact too! Newton's Linden Acknowledgement Theory, eat your heart out. The first meaningfull post in this thread and I'm afraid it will stay this way. I think LL is on a good way, this beta is already much better then the previous version @Toysoldier If you wish your Phoenix viewer supports the new search then don't ask LL ask the Phoenix team. Also you don't need to login in any viewer to find mature stuff in the web search, you only need to login into your dashboard and that has nothing to do with the beta version of the search. In the WEB BETA search - the link i was shown.... there is only GENERAL... and I could not set it to MATURE. So for the beta...only GENERAL works... and since my store is in a mature sim... the Beta shows none of my store or products. And I wont be asking Phoenix anything. Search has sucked in SL for so long and if LL built a new Search that only works with new LL Viewer.... no big loss anymore for me. Just that as has been the case for FAR TOO LONG... those that do not have LL V2 will still not find my stuff. There is only general items in the web search as long as you are not loged in into your dashboard. My shop is also on a mature sim and I can see all my stuff. Toys Landscapes Sculpty Store landscaping landscape sculpties terrain waterfall river rapids water Isn't this your shop? I just found it in the web beta search without any problems. And again, it is not on LL to make the new search working in other viewers then the Linden viewer, it's the job of the TPV developers. PS. And you don't have to thank me for the free advert in this post :smileywink:
  14. Ai Velde wrote: Some of these posts already, I can't even believe. lol. At this point after begging for something, anything to be changed with search, we should shut up and sit down. I'm not an LL cheerleader, but ANY improvements on search, or any ATTEMPTS to improve search should at least be looked into rather than being blown off by saying call me when you support it for my viewer. 3rd party viewers can support the new search once it's rolled out if they choose to, it's not up to LL. You guys know better. Where's the big obnoxious eyerolling smiley for me to use? I'd understand if V2 holds a knife to your throat and threatens to decapitate your mother, but why can't you test it out? I don't enjoy using V2 but I'm still playing with the new search stuff. So far V2 has not decapitated my mother. I know some of you are very hard to please but it wouldn't hurt you to at least give it a shot, especially if you've been one of the people screaming till you're blue in the face for something, anything towards improving search. After years of being cheesed off, at least go "Hey, thanks for trying!" even if it's not exactly what you want, and then offer suggestions for things it may be lacking. Easy! lol. -- To set example, thank you LL for trying to improve search even if it still doesn't suit some peoples' needs. I like to think we all understand that this is still in beta and you may be accepting intelligent and thoughtful suggestions for improvements. Personally, I think the new search is looking fantastic with amazing potential to lessen the stress and burden amongst the members, and I'm very excited for when it comes out of beta. Wow! I didn't spontaneously combust for realizing someone is trying to improve search. The world is still intact too! Newton's Linden Acknowledgement Theory, eat your heart out. The first meaningfull post in this thread and I'm afraid it will stay this way. I think LL is on a good way, this beta is already much better then the previous version @Toysoldier If you wish your Phoenix viewer supports the new search then don't ask LL ask the Phoenix team. Also you don't need to login in any viewer to find mature stuff in the web search, you only need to login into your dashboard and that has nothing to do with the beta version of the search.
  15. Hi, this tutorial video from Torley will show you how to use poseballs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtwZTqPcpm4. Have fun
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