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Aleric Inglewood

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  1. Hi, I assume this happens before trying to login? If not, then you can change your preferences before logging in, otherwise you'll have to edit the configuration file of the preferences. This file will be ./app_settings/settings.xml (in the packaged directory where the viewer is installed). Locate and find CrashSubmitBehavior - it's Value will be 0 (ask before reporting). Please change it to 1 (always send (we still want your crash report ), save the file and try again. If you also have a CrashSubmitBehavior in your custom ~/.secondlife/user_settings/settings_singularityalpha.xml (for alpha releases, or settings_singularity.xml if you are an official release), then change that into 1 instead. You can also change everything of course, to be sure . Note that settings_crash_behavior.xml isn't used anymore, but don't delete it for now. This change should stop the viewer from popping up the question if you want to send a crash report. I suspect that that pop-up is the cause of the X error. Please let us know if this indeed solved your problem(!) because then I'll need to look into this and fix it. Aleric, Singularity developer
  2. The first thing you want to do is find other children. Unfortunately there is a lot of hate in SL against people using child avatars (probably because of misinformation), that they are the only exception in the ToS that discriminates on looks doesn't help. As a result almost all children have left the general Second Life places and are running a "secondlife inside secondlife" so to say, exclusively using private sims, where you'll find almost only children, and no adults. You will find very very few children on Linden Labs mainland. There are several different types of communities within the world of SL children however. One of them evolves around 'adoption', this community exists of sims with families on them (to live on), schools, and stuff like that, as well as the 'adoption agency' sims to bring parents and children together. Another group is the partying wildboys who don't want parents to tell them what to do. This group mostly organizes parties, explores, parties, boyscout camps, parties and have sims where they live without parents/adults. To find the first group, search for an adoption center, there you'll meet them. To find the second group, you could try to find 'The Vortex', the longest standing and most wellknown (famous!) dancing with mostly kids. There are many more dancings of course . Don't expect to get all answers from the first children you meet (some might even be mean, who knows). It's a whole adventure to discover this world, and it surely will take a lot of time to find and get to know all places (and all people) and make the right friends. I'd help you myself, but well - there's also another GRID that SL children have fled to, away from the hostility of other SL users... I'm not much in SL anymore. Yay opensim! Drop me a line in SL if you want to know more about that (I might see it next time I login there).
  3. Just stumbled upon this... (very late I have to admit). As a Singularity developer I can guarantee you that we never claim(ed) that Singularity has a higher FPS than any other viewer. Such enthousiastic remarks come from some of the users. It's not entirely impossible that Singularity is better than most though because it's using the code of V3 (just like every other viewer that wants to compete) and THEN has added substantial improvement by our graphics engine guru. Perhaps you don't believe me, since I'm working on Singularity myself, but he's really good - most likely better (in graphics optimizations) then any of the other volunteers coding for any viewer out there. That being said, I often have the feeling that those optimizations are mostly noticable on windows (the platform he's using)... I'm using linux and I'm less impressed with my FPS . Unlike other team members I indeed never compare Singularity with other viewers however... So, I wouldn't know if any other viewer would perform better on my OS.
  4. This site officially sucks. I wrote a long reply... clicked "preview", then clicked "submit comment" or whatever the button was called... and then I get an error about requiring POST for secutiry reasons blah blah and no way to get my message back!!! WTF?
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